martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Two pictures about Stereotypes

Choose one of the following pictures and write a comment.


19 comentarios:

  1. HI!!

    I choose the first photo because it is a different picture than the photos that we have seen before. In the photo we can see (from left to right) a man dancing "flamenco", a typical dance of Spain, specially of Andalusia, we know that it is a man dancing flamenco because of the hat and the position of the feet that describe a typical movement known as "taconeo". The foreignt people usually think that Spanish people are usually dancing flamenco, and it isn't true, even more people don't know dance it. Next to the man we can see a fat man playing the guitar, he dresses a big typical hat of Mexico and a "poncho" a traditional clothes of Mexico. Then, Hitler represented the German pride, but it isn't true, it is a big stereotypes. The blog hair respresented the traditional said: "All blondes are dumb". Then, a black boy from America playing tennis with a gold pendant. And to finish, a Jew with a bag of money that represented the image that we have about the Jew people.

    In conclusion, this images have some reason because this represent all that we think about American people, Jews, German people, but also, like the slogan say, we must to try the stereotypes in a fan of peace and tradition, but we can't talk about a person with not know nothing .

    See you tomorrow!!!

  2. hi

    I choose the first `photo because is very colorful. you can see a many people , for example the men who is dreesed the typical suit of flamenco dancing that. another menu that is playing the guitar with a poncho. mexico is there because that's typical. a girl in a bikini can be of basil because there is very hot and also there are many beaches. a man who is dressed in a equipacion basketball, can be angels because it has a very famous team. a othe many people..


  3. hi

    I choose the first `photo because is very colorful. you can see a many people , for example the men who is dreesed the typical suit of flamenco dancing that. another menu that is playing the guitar with a poncho. mexico is there because that's typical. a girl in a bikini can be of basil because there is very hot and also there are many beaches. a man who is dressed in a equipacion basketball, can be angels because it has a very famous team. a othe many people..


  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Hi everybody!

    I'm going to talk about the first photo.
    Well, in this picture there are some people from other countries and how they are dressed and their physical features seem to be national stereotypes.
    1) First, in the left there is a stereotype from Spain (Sevilla) because the men seems to be dancing flamenco or tango I don't know but if is Tango he is from Argentina. The strangers think that everybody in Spain dance flamenco and it isn't true.
    2)Another stereotype is that foreign people think that in Mexico people always wears hats and play the guitar, and the only food that exist is taco and it isn't true of course, in the picture we can see the Mexican man with the typical hat of Mexico playing the guitar.
    3)Then a stereotype of Germany is Hitler as we can see in the photo, people think that he is a madman, who wanted to invade everything.
    4)In the centre there is a blond woman, I think that is a stereotype that represents that blonde woman are dumb and they look very good, people who think that are very wrong beause a blond woman can be intelligent and also can be ugly. It could also be a Russian woman because she's blonde and this an other big stereotype, not all the people of Russia are blond!
    5)In the next place, we can see a black person who has a basketball ball and gold chains I think that is a stereotype of te USA because people usually say that in the USA are tall black people who play basketball and sing rap , and there isn't true at all.
    6)And finally the man on the right is a Jewish and he represented a stereotype of Jews, foreign people think about these people that are very rich, selfish and very succesull people associated with business , and also there isn't true at all.

    I think that it will be better if we don't say this things of people of other countries who we don't know because it can hurt a lot, if we don't know anything about how thery are we don't have to invent things.


  6. Hi
    I am commenting the first picture. On the left there is an Argentinean dancer. He is dancing Tango, which is a typical Argentinean dance. Next to him, there is a Mexican musician with a guitar and a typical sombrero. In the middle of the picture is a German man who looks like Hittler. On his right there is a blond woman with a sunburn, she may be from Sweden or England. Next to her I can see a black man who might be from the USA. He seems like a rapper because of his gold necklace, his cap and his sunglasses. And finally on the right, there is a Jew with a bag full of money and a typical hat. Some people say that Jews are good businessmen but selfish.
    Well I think that in every stereotype there is a litte bit of thruth, although they sometimes are nasty.
    See you tomorrow.

  7. Hi!
    Well,like everybody is writing about the first picture,I'm going to talk about the second one.
    I think that it doen't exist the perfect British.
    Each person who lives in Great Britain is different to one another.
    It's true that the people there are so serious,they work harder than us and they've got different traditions from us.
    But for example,we saw in London and Gibraltar that the people are so nice,the people who work in the shops or people that we have to ask something,in my cases,they were so polite!
    In conclussion,it doesn't exist a British type of person,each person is different and it happens everywhere:some people follow the traditions and others,live their lives.
    But these are stereotypes,images or opinions we have about a country or type of person and that's could be wrong.

  8. Hello!
    I'm going to comment the first photo. Well as you can see in the first photo there are seven people with different appearence. Each one represent the stereotype of his country.
    On the right there is a man that is dancing flamenco of Spain. Near him there is a mexican man with a huge hat typical of Mexico. In the background there is an alien. I don't know where is he from maybe of other planet. In the foreground it's Hitler with a nazi symbol on his arm. He is a german person. Near there is a woman that wear a bikini and maybe she had a lot of sunshine. And on the right there is jewish man that have a bag of money.
    From my point of vew this picture is interesting and very funny.

  9. Hi, then I will talk about the second photo on London. In some of the photos out there in Londo appears that bad weather always does and it rains often, but when I went hiking to quite warm so we can not trust the stereotypes. There also appears that people are very quiet and very formal, but I think that it depends on the individual and not everyone dresses like in the movies (with hat, mustache and umbrella). In conclusion, London is very different as people think.

  10. Hello everybody, I'm going to talk and describe a little this photo.

    First at all, I must to say that all people have stereotypes about other people, and for example, if you are racist, you hate a black person and you insult him because of his skin, you think that he is poor, the waste of the society, because of his skin, Although you say you do not have stereotypes about that person, you are lying, because as he is a black person, you think that.
    I mean, for example, people have stereotypes about black people.
    In the photo A, we can see a lot of different people.
    On the left, we can see a man dancing ''flamenco'', a mexican man playing an instrument, a kind of alien, a man that I think that is Hitler, a whoman who is blonde and also she has very good body, I think because this is the type of body that the men like.
    Also, there is a black man, who is playing basketball and I think he is related to rap, because he is wearing a cup, a big pendant, a t-shirt without braces, etc..
    On the right, there is a jewish man, with a bag of money, but I don't know why.
    In conclusion, I think like the photo said before, let us stereotypes in peace.

  11. Hello I say to you, what I think about each person but I don´t stay sure about who is who.
    1in the first photo i think that he is a " flamenco"
    2 i think that he is a mexican because he has a hat very big
    3 I think that he is a politician becouse he wear very elegant
    4. I think that she is a tourist becaouse he go to the beach
    5. I think that he is a basketball player

  12. Bello every body, I have chosen the first photo. On the one hand, this people could be what they seem, some stereotypes are true, but others are false.
    The first men, he is German, and the stereotype of him in this case is Hittle. ( It is false)
    Next to him, she is a girl, could be a British tourist because they always burn with the sun (It is true)
    The color men...why a black men have to be basketball player, wear gold collars? (It can be true, but not always)
    The flamenco men, all people suppos that he is Spanish? Or the men who wear a big hat is Mexican? Why? Really in the past it is true, it is a traditional clothes but not all people like it or wearing it now.

    In conclusion, not all stereotypes are true.

  13. hello!
    I chose the first photo because it has called me more attention than the other photo.
    First in the photo we can see a banner that say: "LET US STEREOTYPES IN PEACE", I think that it say the true and we must comply this sentence.
    Next, people that appear in the photo are people from differents countries. For example, the black man is an American man and people that live in other country think that all of the black men are rappers and that they wear baggy clothes, and it isn't true.
    Another example: on the left we can see a Spanish man, probably, that he is dancing "flamenco" and other people think that all Spanish people dance flamenco, it isn't true because for example I don't like flamenco so all Spanish people don't dance flamenco.

    See you on class!!!!

  14. Hii!
    I'm going to talk about the first photo because is more general. As you can see, there are different people that represent the stereotypes of their own country.
    First I have to say, that the stereotypes are a bit true, this means that, the stereotypes are created because in part for the common, or something that happened, but lastly now, I reckon we can't use the stereotype strictly, because each person is different and a country it isn't the same in all parts, each place would have their history, habits, etc. In my opinion, it is unfair that we classify the people for the ancien stereotypes that they showed.
    In conclusion, we shouldn't restrict a person for our thought that this person is, you must let the opportunity to know them and don't laugh before it.

    See you in class.

  15. Hi!
    I choose the first one. Here they want to represent each person with the most "tipical" thing in his/her country. For ec¡xample we know that the spanish man is wearing a custome of flamenco like people in the fair, the mexican person with the "poncho" and the german one is represented by Hitler.
    In conclusion I think we must to see a person like he/she is and not like people see his/her country

  16. I'm going to choose the first picture because is very colorful and you can see very much steriotypes and I think that storiotypes will dissapear because no people like that have to be represent by a tipical thing in your country but you can hate this or no. I conclusion you can be Spanish, English, American, something else you are how you are no a steriotype.

  17. Hello!
    I'm going to choose the first photo, because I can see differnet people that, like Marta said, represented something that is tipical in his country. The first man that we can see is a Spanish man, who is dancing like people of Spain like do. After, we can see a mexican with his guitar, a Russian girl, and the German country is representated by Hitler. I don´t like stereotypes because it makes you think about things that are not true of different countries and different people.

  18. Hello, I am going to talk about the first picture. The main idea of this pictures is the stereotype of each country, and what we think we we think in a country. In the picture, we can see the "typical" man in Spain. He is dancing flamenco and dressed with flamenco clothes. Next to him we can see the Mexican stereotype, he is a man wearing a big hat and singing; and Hitler, which is the German stereotype. There are more stereotypes all around the world an in my opinion, they are false. In Spain, there are people who don't like flamenco or afroamerican people who don't wear basket and rap clothes.

  19. Hello, I am going to talk about the first picture. The main idea of this pictures is the stereotype of each country, and what we think we we think in a country. In the picture, we can see the "typical" man in Spain. He is dancing flamenco and dressed with flamenco clothes. Next to him we can see the Mexican stereotype, he is a man wearing a big hat and singing; and Hitler, which is the German stereotype. There are more stereotypes all around the world an in my opinion, they are false. In Spain, there are people who don't like flamenco or afroamerican people who don't wear basket and rap clothes.
