lunes, 12 de enero de 2015


Million of women in the world have suffered domestic violence from their husbands or couples and probably will exist women that live in the silence and they don't say nothing about it because of the fear. 

In our country, is often seen in the news, in tv and the newspapers, a lot of women die
all years and people don't do nothing, they only continue shuted about it if they see something.
Apart from the troubles for the woman, children suffer them too.

Gender violence is a consequence of inequalities between men and women and there are five types
of domestic or gender violence, it can be:

In our country last year only 3 of 51 women had alerted of violence before their die, this is an
horrible act and we don't have to go away to watch it. Spain is a developed country in which
society isn't concious about this problem and women who are suffering violence don't awake about
that because, the violence isn't only physical. Psychological is the most common although we don't
realize, usually the man says the woman that she has the blame and she is a bad person, he controls
her until she is sunken and then come the other types of violence, social, economic and sexual and
the last, PHYSICAL, we think that violence is only physical and it isn't so. Physical is the end,
when she is unable to say something.

We must stop and finish with this violence, the role of the woman in our society isn't take care of
children and do the houseworks, women are equals than men and they have the same rights than

Which type of violence do you think that affect more to the woman?
In your opinion, what could we do to stop gender violence?

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