domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015



Today I'm going to talk about different types of addictions.

I'm going to start with the shopping addiction. First I want to say that not everybody who likes shopping and fashion is addicted to it. You're only addicted if you don't control anymore what you're buying. For example the people who buy a lot of things in the internet and they don't know anymore what they ordered and how much money they spent. Shopping addicted people have often not enough money to buy normal stuff like food or things that you really need to live. So keep calm because only because you love shopping you're not addicted.


The next addiction I'm going to talk about is the food addiction. When somebody is addicted to eating he/she thinks all the time about food and eating. This addiction is as dangerous for your body as anorexia, you can also die. The people who have this illness often don't feel when they have eaten enough.


The third addiction is the computer addiction and the last is the addiction to mobile phones. I put them together because I think that they are quite the same.

The computer addiction is when you are sitting in front of your computer all day long, a conclusion of this is often that you don't have friends because you're spending all your time in playing computer games. These people often get very aggressive if they lose in their games.


The people who are addicted to their mobile phones are spending all their time with their mobile phones and they often have no real friends, they don't go out and they sometimes have more than one mobile phone which they are using almost 24 hours a day.


If small kids like this boy on the picture are using mobile phones it can be the start of an addiction because they grow up with it and it's normal for them to use their mobile phones all the time.

1 comentario:

  1. Mº Carmen me gustaría que también lo pusieras en español la teoría ya que me cuesta bastante.
