domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

Holidays and free time

Hello my name is Martin as you know and I'm going to talk about holidays and free time and I'm going to talk about things to do in your free time in this city and things to do if you aren't from here and you are going to visit Montoro.

In Montoro you can think that is a bit bored because it have not the entertaiment that have others cities but there are very much activities to do here.

-For example if you are going to visit Montoro in holidays you can go to the Montoro's hotel.

Here you can see almost all the city, you can have a good time in the swimming pool, you can have a coffee in the restaurant inside here and you can simplify relax in your bedroom.

But if you will do other things like visit monuments or something else you can go to the old part of Montoro for see the diferents monuments of the city. Or if you like the forest and the countryside you can go to the mountain that there are next to Cardeña and you can see very much espices.

And finally I have to speak about the holly-week in Montoro that there is very famous and very much people choose this city for there holidays but in my opinion there isn't the best think to see in Montoro

Finally we are going to see a little Documental of Montoro (Spanish).

1-What do you think about your city?
2-Do you think that Montoro could be a good city for have holidays or spend your free time?

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