viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

What is Globalization?
Globalization is a historical process of global integration in the political, economic, social, cultural and technological fields , which has turned the world into an increasingly interconnected place.

Advantages and disadvantages of globalization. 
Between the advantages of globalization we can mention:

-The movement of goods and imported products.
-It is contributing to lower inflation. (Disminución de inflación)
-Increased foreign investment, involves power in the area of international trade, and fosters better relations with other countries and enriching cultural exchange processes.
  -Technological development.


The fact that the wealth is concentrated in the most developed countries and only 25% of international investments going to developing nations, which affects an increasing number of people living in extreme poverty.
With the excessive consumption of energy resources become more substances that emit pollutants, so there is more global warming and climate change occurs and increased the use of natural resources to satisfy consumer demand.
The end of globalization is the economic benefit regardless of environmental conservation.
From my point of view, the economic benefits are very important but the enviromental conservation is very important too. 

-What do you think about the globalization and the environment?


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