martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

How to solve our lifes with no more languages, studies or professional experience

How is possible that young people with low skills reach international agencies in Spain? How can you connect to over a hundred people, whole families, without anything happening? How to pass a law without even knowing the name? How fake academic transcripts are created? How many consultants are needed for a single public position? Why our politicians mess up and then all is forgotten?

Becoming a politician is easier than you think in some countries:

There are many ways to become president, for example, in the United States it's achieved by the power of money. It's a super complex business that requires a good team, a glib tongue and an endless stream of dollars. 

In China, however, is achieved thanks to own merits. We must stand between 85 million to reach the head of the Communist Party administration, climbing from the bottom. But whatever the way to lead a nation each country has its own.

So, how to became president in an easy way?

There are two ways :
 The first: join one of the major political parties. Break your back all day working for them. You can leave your family, your work, but never your political party. Then, go climbing and working in your political party and maybe at last you can become president.

The second: Wait the time of elections and join your friends to create a new political party. You must be social and choose a name that inspires an air of social justice and solidarity. Take it to the streets , appears on TV , newspapers...Meet a sociologist , prepare him the speech that people " want " to hear and then memorize it . Finally , promise everything, whatever comes even if you think it is impossible. And then you will be a president.

If it is not enough, here you have a video with 5 steps to become a successful politician:

'The press and public often pay attention to what politicians say, but less to how well they do what they're supposed to do.'

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