lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Britney spears "Piece of me"

10 comentarios:

  1. Hello!

    I think that the composer of the song is talking ironically and she wants to say that she is tired of paparazsis because they want to know all about her and she wants to have a normal life like all people and she feels pursued.


  2. Hi!

    Like Javi, I think that Britney is triying to show us how tiring is having cameras and journalist behind her everyday, and having to tolerate people comenting about her weight, her beauty, her way of dressing...

    Bye! :)

  3. Hello class!

    Yes, I agree with my partners, she said that she is tired about her appearance in magazines and on TVs and of her life because of the journalism. Also, she repeats a lot of times the sentence "You want a piece of me"?, she feels persued as Javi said and this is why she repeats it during the song.


  4. Hi, everyone!

    I'm with my partners when they say the Singer is trying to say us that having cameras around her all the day is so tiring, as well as having in account her daily appearence, her words and even her friends. I think been famous is terribly difficult.


  5. Hello!
    I think like my partners, and I think that she she wants to say that she is tired of paparazsis and she wants a normal life, in which she can be like she is.

  6. Hello everybody!!

    As my partners have said... that's the answer. The song describes how a famous life is but really they sometimes are tired of that. They win money, they are watched by all people around the world on TV... but when they are tired and they want to relax they can't because they don't have a private life like us.


  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Hello class!

    I think the answer is obvious because the singer is trying to say to the people that she is tired of feeling persecuted by paparazzis and people that love her. Also, people use to critize her in whatever she does, so, that's and extra negative point of beeing famous. In fact, once you become it, you can't stop beeing it, so, in my opinion, the singer is asking us for more privacy.


  9. Hello!

    Well, as all my partners said before, Britney is trying to show us that she is tired that all paparazzis say something that is wrong or damage to her and it is wrong, so is obviously that she is tired of them, because it is difficult the life of a famous person, because always paparazzis and people of TV are always following them.


  10. My partners think the same as me, she is tired of being surrounded of cameras because they don't give you privacy.
