domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013


                          STEREOTYPES                               In the way someone is wearing something

A stereotype can be in the thinking, in the country, in the culture, or like this case, in the way someone is wearing something. Usually stereotypes give us a wrong idea of how someone or somewhere is.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
As you can see in this photo someone "Hermit" has to be disheveled, unshaven, with long hair etc.
"Gothic" is also someone who wears black, she makes up in black, and is demonic.

Someone "Tenured" has to wear very good clothes, be elegant, and respectfull.

A "Cultured" person has to wear with diferent simple clothes and be very intellectual.

 A "Pariah" is a person who lives in Paros or as stereotypes say a excluded, unsocial and ugly person, who wears diferent clothes, but not bad clothes.

I have no words to describe "Star!!" a very extravagant way of wearing the clothes.

Someone who wears T-shirts with words like "forbidden to forbid" is "Dissenter".

Someone has to be "crunchy" because he/she likes to dress like Bob Marley and people like him.

                                      A "lush" person isn't neccesary to be silly but he/she wears very diferent because
 he/she doesn't know anything about the place.

                                      A "Queer" has to dress very well and always very detailed.
                                   A "def" wears punky and bangy clothes.
And "youth" wears the clothes with no style
 because follows all fashions.

In conclusion you can't judge 

In the way someone is wearing something

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