sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Major gender inequalities affect


Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences. Here in the ethics blog we are going to talk about the unequal treatment one.

_ Citizenship : different gender criteria for access to citizenship ( voting , different legal ages , specific legal rules for each gender , etc ...)
_ Opportunities Acess to both basic and specialized education .
_ Work opportunities : sexual segregation or exclusion of labor markets
_ Economic autonomy : maybe limited by employment opportunities but also by the legal structures that limit or restrict the right of ownership and / or inheritance.
_ Health: the social invisibility of gender can seriously affect your health , whether as a result of poor diet or lack of specific health care (for example, cardiac problems detected women are less than men because medical research has tended to focus on the latter paying little attention to women ) .
Speaking of gender inequality is usually referred to social discrimination of women. The situations of gender inequality affecting women worldwide but are specified in different mechanisms in developed countries or in poor countries or developing .

In developed countries, women have equal citizenship and greater legal protection. Education levels are similar to those of men but have more difficulties in the labor market.
In health, medical treatment over women has focused on reproductive health by paying less attention to other topics which creates situations of risk to the health of women.
In poor or developing countries, women suffer greater inequality situations. Access to citizenship is in some countries less than men and the legal protection of women is limited or nonexistent. In many countries, women's access to education is much more limited than that of men.Health is also pending in many countries and in many cases               reproductive health is limited to birth control.

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