jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013



·The stereotypes are characteristics ascribed to groups of people involving gender, race, national origin and other factors. These characteristics tend to be oversimplifications of the groups involved, however. For example, someone who meets a few individuals from a particular country and finds them to be quiet and reserved may spread the word that all citizens from the country in question are quiet and reserved.
 A generalization such as this doesn’t allow for diversity within groups and may result in stigmatization and discrimination of groups if the stereotypes linked to them are largely negative. That said, even so-called positive stereotypes can be harmful due to their limiting nature.

In this picture you can see some examples of stereotypes, and Do you think this people are like that the stereotypes means?

Well, sometimes we supposed that this stereotypes are true, and for me a stereotype doesn´t describe a person for only their appearance, because a teenager hasn´t been a causer, some people could be a causer and they aren´t teenager, and other times a teenager is a causer, but for only one person, all teenager have to be a causer? No, of course, all people are different and have different personality.

·Other example of stereotype is the nationality:

Sometimes we think that a italian person is a lovely or a french person is a good chef. But when we meet this people, we learn that it isn´t true, because some spanish people could be lovely or some english people could be chef.

In conclusion, a stereotype doesn´t say how are people of different countries.

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