lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


 An addiction is a physical and emotional illness, according to the World Health Organization. An addiction is a need towards a substance, activity or satisfaction.
Addictions can include, but aren't limited to, drug abuse, food addiction, sexual addiction, computer addiction and gambling.
 ·)Drugs: Drug is defined as all non-nutritive chemical that the body can absorb.
Young people use drugs usually by: false friendship, curiosity, ...
 Some drugs are: opiates, cocaine, marihuana, ...
·)Food addiction: Some people are obsessed with food. But eating without hunger or eating junk food can cause disease like obesity.
·)Sexual addicion: Sexual addiction occurs mainly in men and can make calls to sex lines constantly in a day, or find a prostitute every half hour, situations that affect the daily lives of the addict gradually. At first, the person can mix it with your routine, however, the more one delves into vice, the harder it is to make a balance.
·)Computer Addiction: is the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, privation.
·)Gambling: Is an addictive disorder characterized by uncontrolled behavior in relation to gambling and shopping. The investment of time, energy and money on gambling activities increases with time and the person is becoming more dependent on the game to cope with daily life.

In conclusion, if you love something a lot, you can do but with moderation.

2 comentarios:

  1. Very well Nazareth. Thanks to your entry we can know different kinds of ADDICTIONS. Well done!!

  2. Hi, class! Your post is really interesting, Naza, I didn't know about some of that additions.
