sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013


An addiction is when you like something so much and you can´t control using it. It is a very simple definition, so let´s see some cases of addictions and I´m sure that after see them, you will know what an addiction is

ALCOHOLISM: When you have problems with alcohol

If a person is alcoholic, it means that he/she has serious problems with alcohol. Alcoholism is a illness that consists in that the person who is alcoholic depends on the alcohol and when he/she doesn´t drink, he get angry and bad educated. But not only the person who is alcoholic get angry or is bad educated, he/she can also does the following things:

  • They leave work to drink
  • They didn´t eat very well
  • They could be violent with the people

In this video we can observ the effects that alcohol has in our body, causing diseases or mental problems

ADDICTION TO GAMBLING: When you can´t stop playing games, specially in casinos.

If a person is addicted to gambling, this person can´t stop playing games. You can play games and it could be funny but you have to control yourself and put a limit. Some people don´t put a limit and they play games for a long time. Some problems of this kind of addiction are:

  • The person can lose all his/her money because of playing games without limit
  • Like alcoholism, he could be violent if he stop playing
  • If you lose some money, you continue playing to recover the money
  • The man/woman do anything to earn money for bet

The following video explains addiction to gambling in Mexico. 

In conclusion, if you like something so much, enjoy it with moderation because if you 
don´t control yourself, who will control you? Be considerate!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Antonio!
    Congratulations for your post, I think that this topic is very interesting and important because a lot of people have some addiction but they don't know.

  2. Hi, class! I liked your post, Antonio, because, espacially with the addiction to gambling we really don't know that we are addicted to something.
