domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Gender inequalities

You know that Gender inequalities, is a big problem all over the world. However it have differents consequences in developed countries than in underdeveloped ones, we have studied some of the differences in general and now, i'm going to talk about gender inequalities at work.

Taking information about the newspaper ABC, gender inequality at work is greater in European countries with social protection, because the initial hypothesis was that if the development of social protection policies is bigger, will be less inequality. 
Because of this, women sometimes suffer psychosocial problems at work.

In Scandinavia directives or professional women showed the highest prevalence in all three psychosocial risks:

41% of these women were exposed to high job demands with little control over them. 34.7% believed they were subjected to heavy demands without the support of their partners. 26.5% thought that invested a lot of emotionally effort in his dedication to work but obtained an insufficient reward or little prospect of progress wage.

I think that if there is a higher proportion of women exposed to psychosocial work-related risks is explained in part by the time spent caring for children or  because they are the dependents of the housework, normally, this jobs falls mainly on women.

On the other hand, the international organization of job say that unemployment rates for women are higher than those of men worldwide and probably it will continue during more years.
If you want to know more information, watch this video:

So, I'm going to end my post with this sentence from a journalist: 'Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men is not only one just measure it is also a profitable strategy'

1 comentario:

  1. Congratulations Blanca. I've enjoyed reading it but overall watching the video. It's very enlightening
