sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013


1.   Ethics is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct, often addressing disputes of moral diversity.

  • But what is really ethics? Ethics is what we know we have to do, the things are going to be considerate good or bad. Am I going to be a bad person if I let a partner (for example) copying my exam? I know it is wrong, but I'm following my morality.
2.   Morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are right and those that are wrong. It seems the same that ethics, no?

  • But what is really morality? Morality is what we think or feel we have to do, the things that I'm going to consider good or bad. If I know my partner is ill, and he or she has never asked me for something like it, and he or she is my friend, and if he or she pass the exam is going to pass the course, ... Should I let him or her copying the exam? My morality is going to say me yes or no.

Let's think now like a teacher instead of like a student. We are maths teachers, and in our class there is a couple of twins which both have 4.4 in their final marks. Should we approve them?
One of the twins has spent the course studying and making exercises, but he isn't good at maths. The other boy has spent the course being bad in class, he doesn't studies nor makes exercises, etc. Should we approve both of them, because they have the same mark? Should we approve only the boy who has study? Or, should we suspend both of them? Our morality, and no ethics are going to say us what we have to do.

Now, I let you some questionnaires to discover:

  1. Your ethical style
  2. If you are an ethical person

This is a video to explain the differences between ethics and morality, and how it affects our society today.

I hope you to enjoy the post do the quiz and watch the video, because I spent a lot of time looking for them. Have a good weekend!

1 comentario:

  1. Your entry is fantastic. It 's a varying exercises and activities. We can know us better doing the tests and to learn more the differences between Ethics and Morality watching the video. It's excellent!!! Congratulations Inma!!.
