jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Video "It ends where it begins"

Watch the video and after that write your comment.
Do you know another similar situations?

9 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. really loved this video.I think it makes us see and reflect on about the consequences of domestic and gender volence. In my opinion, watching real cases or situations make us put ourselves in the situation of people suffering violence.The domestic violence is a serious problem that still exists nowadays.The main damaged people are women, children and dependents persons as we can see in the video,but the most affected are children.In addition to this ,being in an environment of violence can have serious consequences such as: aggression problems, difficulties with social interaction,low self-esteem etc. All forms of family violence have in common that they constitute an abuse of power and trust. In the video shows how violence is manifested through physical damage. We should unite our forces and solve this problem in order to live better.

  3. I really like this video because it makes you think about the "future". In my opinion this video teaches that before doing anything about you can being sorry, you must think and after that act. I really like this tyoe of activity, because you can give your own opinion.

  4. This video shows a situation of maltreatment in a house, but this situation is showed from the end to the begin, this means that the video try to teach us that sometimes when we realized that this situation exists is too late, for many different reasons, in some cases there is some people who die, who is maltreat or even other people that live also this situation and are related to this serious problem like children. In my opinion, I think that if many people who were being maltreat in the past can change their past life, they will try to change it, but unfortunately it is impossible, because we cannot change the past. For this reason, we have to prevent these situations and we have to protect us from this type of relationships because when we are inside them is too difficult to escape. In a nutshell, I agree with the video that we have to continue fighting against the genre violence because it continues to exit today in many situations and it is horrible.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. This video is very practical because it teaches us a situation that occurs in many homes in Spain. Make you think about the thousands of people who suffer daily (fights, insults), and the children who see it every day. I think these problems are those that should be solved along the time, but never resolved.This video is different, it shows the end to the beggin.
    In my opinion you must change things and problems before it happens, because it will be late and you don't have change it.

  7. Irene García Milla7 de enero de 2016, 16:37

    This video shows a situation of domestic violence that occurs between a couple, a fact that happens in a house and teaches us that there are situations that are long where it can have tragic endings ago.
    When we talk about violence, we mean both physical and psychological, both are important. My advice is to avoid this kind of relationship in the beginning because then it is more difficult to stop and control.
    I think primarily, for us to be loved, we need to love ourselves and value ourselves.
    Asking for help is not a sign of being a weak person, it is to be a brave person.
    I agree with this video and believe we must fight together for gender violence disappears.
    I love this activity because it makes people reflect and understand this suffering.

  8. This video shows a domestic violence situation, but from the end to the beginning.
    Domestic violence is any form of physical, economical, sexual, social or psychological violence that endangers the life of a family member. Worst of domestic violence is that children also live, and this can affect them, as we see in this video.
    Any member of the family should seek help if you know a family member is being abused.
    The situation of this video is shown from the end to the beginning, this teaches us that we must end the violence from the beginning.
    Many mothers who are battered, but do not seek help for fear of losing their children, do not have financial means to care for their children, or for not finding a job. We have to educate abused women that this can not happen, because no woman depends on a man

  9. In this video we can see a situation of domestic abuse, but in a different way, from the end to the beginning. To my mind, this is a metaphor that try to show us that, when we do some things, they have their consequences depending on how we do them. If we face a situation with anger, as the man in the video at the beginning, the consequences will be bad; but if we face them well, like the man in the end, they will be good.This shows that only a reaction can change many things, and sometimes even prevent violence, which can be good for the children in the cases of domestic violence (because there are children who end up having psychological problems because of this) or for the battered people in the cases of gender violence. And also I think that this video is trying to say to us that we have to stop gender violence from the beginning, because when it is more common in a couple, it is very difficult to stop it. In conclusion, we have to think what we do to make these things have a good or bad repercussion on the future.
