martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Gender Equality

17 comentarios:

  1. I think that this video is good for learn new things

  2. I think about this video , is very interesting about Education.

  3. I think this video is very interesting about education, works and the university in women and men. Yo can learn about the diferences and percentage about women and men y this topics.

  4. I think it's very interesting and good video.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. I think this video is very practical because you can learn about work differences between men a women.

  7. I think this video is a good form for learn the differences between the men and women in the work, the women can work in the same jobs that the men, today we have achieved that women have the same rights as men at the time of work but not completely because men are paid more than women in some jobs

  8. I think this video learn you new things about the differences between men and women in the work

  9. I think this video help us to understand the situation of the women in education

  10. I think that this very is a very good one to help us to understand the women's situation in today's life, especially in education

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. This video is very interesting and we can learn the woman situation, we ha ve to change it

  13. maria carmen este video es muy importantes a los hombres que mas muejres en la universidas para sus carreras de trabajr

  14. According to the video, there are more women at universities, but then the working conditions are not the same for men and women. We need to change it.

  15. According to the video, there are more women in the universities, but then the working conditions are not the same for men and women. We need to change it.
