martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Hidden codes

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello!
    Today millions of advertisements have hidden codes. In the video you can see how the codes are divided in some times like the technical, symbolic or written inside of them there are somethings that make you attach them . Lots of brands use hidden codes and this is one of the reason why we likes them and the companies spend million of money in advertisements where they can attach you and I think it is true because if you pay attention , the commercials use colour, words or music that made you buy the products. Bye!

  2. Hello everybody!

    This video explain what are the hidden codes of the advertisements that existed nowadays in the world. Almost all the advertisements nowadays try to manipulate us everyday through the internet, the TV, the magazines, thae newspaper, ... Is alway something who try to manipulate us, and we hace to think twice and don't get manipulated by some brands and some products. But sometimes it's imposible because these advertisements use a lot of colours, sounds and beautiful images and made us to buy that object, for this, we have to change our way of thinking, if we do that we will be more happy, and don't wants always to buy things that appear on the TV.


  3. Hello everybody!

    This video explain what are the hidden codes of the advertisements that existed nowadays in the world. Almost all the advertisements nowadays try to manipulate us everyday through the internet, the TV, the magazines, thae newspaper, ... Is alway something who try to manipulate us, and we hace to think twice and don't get manipulated by some brands and some products. But sometimes it's imposible because these advertisements use a lot of colors, sounds and beautiful images and made us to buy that object, for this, we have to CHANGE our way of thinking, if we do that we will be more happy, and don't want always to buy things that appear on the TV.


  4. Hi!
    The video shows us the different forms of advertising there are.This includes the technical codes which is dibide into three branches:
    Symbolic codes, written codes ,technical codes.The video explains each one and turn each section into 3.Symbolic codes are dibide in: colour, objects and animals. Written codes in buzzured, catch phrases and you and finally technical codes in camera angles, lighting and framing.All this sistem of advertising made us to buy the producst that they offert. we need change our way of analise and thing and don't believe all what they announce, only because it is what we think we need or we gets into the head.


  5. I think the video show us how is the advertising in the real life, because many times, we don't know it because sometimes we do not realize how ads are actually, but in ads there are many messages that we can see, where they want to sell us a product.
    In my opinion, the ads always try to manipulate us as I explained in my post, but we hardly ever realize that.


  6. Hey!

    I think that this video explain us the advertisements hidden codes of the world.
    The companies try to manipulated us to buy their products.

    See you!

  7. Hi.
    In the video we can see the different types of advertising, and I think that they are very common because this manipulation is really used in internet, in TV... And they always use sounds, colourful and nice images to catch our attention and manipulate us.
