jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015


What is a human relationship? 

A human relationship is a feeling or link between people, for example, the relationship between mother and son, the different connections or dealings that the people have. 

But, exactly I'm going to talk about these relations at work.

At work, there are differents relationship, it depend:

* The employee-boss' relationship: is the most important relation in a company, the boss have to supervise the work of his employee. It is vital these relationships that can generate the environment and motivation for a positive job performance. Also, these relations reflect the good performance of companies.

* The employee-employee's relationship: it is also important to have a good relation between employees, to show a good work in group. These relations can reflect the resolution of a common problem or the collaboration of all the employee in the company.

In other cases, depending of the job, we can find *The employee-client's relationship: these relationships are the key point to finish the job, a good relationship with the client allows the client to accept what is offered, and come back and show a good image for the company to promote the product.

Another point that I want to talk about is that, as you know the past 8th of March was the women's day, because of this, I want to comment about the role and relations of the women at work, because all of us know that there are many differences between women and men.

The relationships of the women at work are difficults because of the belive that they can't be as the other employees.
Now, there are less the cases in which the women earn less that the men, but it still continue.
The relation between boss and women sometimes are hard due to the behaviour of the boss over the women to decided her homeworks inside the company.
But with the colaboration of all can solve these problems and improve the relations between women and her jobs. Step by step.

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