miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Black History Month

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello!
    I want to say that the Black History Month is a very interesting topic to talk about. We have heard some things about it but this is the only year that we have learn the most important aspects and we have talked more about it. It's really fascinant how black people could get their objectives fighting with peace instead with violence... If there were more people as them here in the world, all would be very different. All people must be free and must have the same rights. We must fight for a better world.


  2. I think this presentation, which is fine what made these people to end discrimination, although it was very hard what they did, was rewarded, because with what they did on the bus, breaking the rules, that had to sit at the end of all, and this woman of black origin, sat in front occupying the site of whites had much courage but then, the thrown in prison. Thanks to this, that after Martin Luther King said to the black, do not get into the buses, after more than 350 days without climb, they would fall into bankruptcy, and you did not do this, white black ahead and behind. In my opinion, these people fought a lot and for me are heroes.

    Bye :)
