domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Are you addicted to tan?☼☼

We have learnt the meaning, the consequences and the more characteristics types of addictions, thanks to my partners’ posts, thanks to Mari Carmen’s lessons and thanks to the vocabulary that we have used.

I would like to show you the addiction’s tree. As you can observe, there are five branches of addictions and each one has several leaves related to topics related at the same time between them.  We have studied some of them such as alcoholism, gambling, drug... Here you have some more. I am not going to explain all of them; instead of that, I am going to explain one that doesn't appear here: tanning addition.

First of all, I want to say that if you click in this photo, you will access to a page in which you have a quiz to know if you have a tanning addiction. I recommend you to wait until I explain you more things about this additions and you will be able to know more concepts.

In summer, when you go to the beach, do you like sunbathing? And… how many hours do you spend in this activity? Sometimes our mums say us: ‘Stop sunbathing’ or something like that because you can spend some minutes in front of the sun but if you spend hours and hours during days and days… you will know the consequences later.

Unfortunately, there are people (women overall) who like spending all the day sunbathing. But not only when they are on holidays... these people like doing it all the year! They don't matter if they have to go to tanning salons... they can't stop doing it. So now is when sunbathe has become an addiction.
But... do you really know the bad consequences of it?

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun or from indoor tanning machines has been identified as the principal factor of skin cancer.


Here you have a video where a woman tells us her daily life with her tanning addiction. Now, you can do the quiz. Don’t forget to tell us your result, I hope you are not addicted to tan and I also hope that you have learnt with my post something more about addictions.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi classmates!

    This is a very good entry Ana! You've made a good post :)

    Talking about the test.. This is my result:

    "Your obsessed and love tanning but not to the poin.You don't like to be pale but don't mind it during the winter and colder months. You are obsessed with tanning outdoors and indoors when its warm out. You don't suffer withdrawal or hold competitions to see who can be tanner!! You stop tanning or slow it down when you achieve your favored results!! Definitely not a freak!!!"

    Good bye class and Ana!
