domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Gender Inequallity


Gender Inequality refers to the obvious or hidden disparities among individuals based on the performance of gender. Gender inequality and discrimination are generally discussed as pertaining to women, but anyone can experience gender inequality or discrimination.

Types of Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality exists in most part of the world, for example, in Japan, Morocco, China, India, United States, most of Africa’s countries… But inequality between women and men isn’t everywhere the same. Gender Inequality isn’t a homogeneous phenomenon, but a collection of inter-linked problems. It can take many different forms:

-Mortality Inequality
In some regions in the world, inequality between women and men involves an unusual high mortality rates for women and a consequent preponderance of men in the total population. It has been observed in North Africa, Asia, China and South Asian nations.

-Natality Inequality
In some countries (especially in East Asia, China, Singapore and Taiwan) Gender Inequality can manifest in the form of parents’ wanting a baby to be a boy rather than a girl.

-Special opportunity inequality
Even when there is relatively little difference in basic facilities including schooling, the opportunities of higher education may be far fewer for young women than for young men. Inequality in education and professional training can be observed even in some of the richest countries in the world.

-Professional or Employment inequality
The example of employment inequality can be explained by saying that men get priority in seeking job and promoting in work than women.

-Ownership Inequality
In many societies the ownership of property can also be very unequal. Even basic goods such as homes and land may be very asymmetrically shared. The absence of claims to property can not only reduce the voice of women, but also make it harder for women to enter and participate in commercial, economic and even some social activities.

-Household inequality
There are often enough, basic inequalities in gender relations within the family or the household, which can take many different forms. The family arrangements can be quite unequal in terms of sharing the burden of housework and child care.

Gender Inequality around the world

Although formal rights may be established, women in many countries don’t have equal access to inheritance, they can’t own land or property, suffer from sexual assault or domestic violence, and need to be accompanied by a male member of the family when leaving the house.

The following map shows inequalities in social institutions in the family code, property rights, physical integrity and civil liberties around the world. As indicated by the dark colors, inequalities are particularly pronounced in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and the Middle-East and North Africa.

Fighting for equality

Children and young people should not be underestimated; we can change this situation. If, while we're still at school, boys are given the tools to question the language, images and structures that allow inequality to persist, we can form a new generation of men who can change these inequalities.

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