jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Gender Violence- Definition and kinds

GENDER VIOLENCE- Definition and kinds

Violence against women is one of the most tangible manifestations of the economic, social, political and cultural inequalities that exist between men and women. Violence against women constitutes a violation of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, manifesting itself in numerous forms.

There are five types of abuse:
  1. Physical: This type is the most evident and includes any act that is not accidental that causes or can cause damage to the woman’s body. For instance: slapping, punching, beating, cutting, injuring, burning, killing…
  1. Psychological: This includes all behaviours which damage self-esteem or cause emotional suffering in a woman: threats, humiliations, forced obedience and trying to convince the victim that she is always guilty. Also: insults, controlling all exits of the house, public humiliations, putting down, controlling money, physical abuse of pets, isolating.
  1. Sexual: In this form of abuse the abuser forces the victim to have sex against their will.
  1. Economic: This occurs when the victim doesn’t have access to her money because the abuser controls it, even if she is economically independent.
  1. Social: This consists of the abuser isolating the woman from her family and friends by not allowing her to see or contact them. He might also force her to move far away from the city where they lived.

6 comentarios:

  1. I never imagined that there would be many forms of violence, it is really incredible! It is sad that there are people who act in any of these forms and get all the damage that give the others. I think those people should think how it would be if it were doing to them.
    I love this activity because it teaches you a lot about this kind of things that happen in our life

  2. This forms of violence are forms of slavery i know a some forms but others i don´t know

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. It has been very interesting to learn, the types of violence of kind that exists, not wise I that there were different types, Me to tasted very much to learn it, because not neither tape-worm nor idea, and this way, you can differentiate between one and other one, one that mas me to called the attention to been that of the economy, because I was thinking that nobody was sticking for money, not wise that exists, IT IS NECESSARY TO FINISH WITH THE VIOLENCE OF KIND!!!!

  5. Before reading about the different kinds of gender violence I have leanrt a lot. I thought that a woman suffers gender violence when her husband beats her or when he causes emotional suffering. I didn't know about the other types of gender violence. It's a useful activity because teenagers need to be well informed about this topic to be able to help.

  6. I think it is interesting to know the kinds of gender violence there , that we not the same happen or to help people who are going through that situation.
