lunes, 9 de junio de 2014


Living beings are organisms that can do the three vital functions: nutrition, interaction and reproduction. 

As we can see, there are many risks to living beings because of several factors. Then, we are going to study the bad consequences for living beings due to the ecological crisis.

First, we have to know what ecological crisis is.

A living being suffers an ecological crisis when its environment is affected by radical changes that make that this living being doesn't live in its environment like always.

Now, we are going to learn some causes that create an ecological crisis.


The main abiotic factor that affects living beings is the famous "climate change", that is characterized by the increasing in temperature due to the increasing of the temperature of gases in the atmosphere.

This is very bad for living beings that used to live in cold, warm and hot climates because they can't bear (they can't resist) the high temperatures! Although, the climate change don't only affect directly to living beings, but living beings are also affected indirectly by the reducing of ice where many animals live such as polar bears that need the ice for hunting their aliment (mainly seals).

What's more, we also are affected by the climate change and we observe it in summer, when the temperatures are higher than before.


Since many millions of years, dinosaurs don't exist because a big meteorite fell in the Earth.

Nowadays, many species are in danger of extinction and they are more that we think, for example, the polar bear and the cheetah are in danger of extinction.

The main danger of species in danger in extinction are WE, THE HUMANS because we kill them to obtain materials like ivory from elephants or skin from a cheetah. Furthermore, we cut down many trees to build roads or cities! The biodiversity extinction is in our hands!!

This is a theme that we know very well, so can you tell me what of these species are in danger of extinction?

Whale shark - Spider monkey - Robin - Elephant - Hippopotamus - Venomous pit viper


Some people that travel around the world, take with them their pets. In some cases, they forget them in the place where they have travelled and that pet can be dangerous for the environment and other living beings.

For example, a girl took her rabbits to an island in the Pacific where no rabbits lived. She forgot her rabbits and they reproduced of an unlimited way because in that island, rabbits were a "foreign" specie and that specie didn't have predators so those rabbits created a plague.

At the moment, there are about 200000 rabbits in that exotic island. It seems like a very estrange thing, but it occurs in many places in the world.

Now, you can tell me other examples of invading species.

There are many more causes of the ecological crisis, but I wanted to centre in these three causes because these are the most interesting!

Finally, I want to put a video that have an objective: to do that all of us work together to save the planet!

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