martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Ecological Crisis

Factors of Ecological Crisis.

Ecological crisis is when a specie or a population changes in a way that destabilized its continued survival.

Main causes of  Ecological crisis are:

Abiotic factors:

Climate change is starting to have major impacts on ecosystems. With global temperature rising, there is a decrease in snow-fall, and sea levels are rising. Ecosystems will change or evolve to cope with the increase in temperature. Consequently, many species are being driven out of their habitats.

Fresh water and wetland ecosystems are dealing with extreme effects of the increase of temperature. The climate change could be devastating to salmon and trout and to other aquatic life.


Overpopulation of some species can cause the extintion of ohters, for example, in the Argentine Patagonia, for example, European species such as the trout and the deer were introduced into the local streams and forests, respectively, and quickly became a plague, competing with and sometimes driving away the local species of fish and ruminants.


Humans are, in my opinion, the most important factor in the Ecological crisis.

We know about it, we can stop it but the most part of the people don´t do nothing.

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