martes, 17 de junio de 2014




-Globalization is a set of visible changes in the world political and economic order since the end of the twentieth century. It is a phenomenon that has created common points in the economic, technological, social, cultural and political, and thus became the world into an interconnected world, in a global village.

There are some types of Globalization:

a)Social:-This implies a loss in the integrity of the cultures of the participating countries. 
The opportunity to diversify and related customs.

·The advantages will be acquired by the most famous and publicized cultures 

·The disadvantages to be brought to (but not least) less influential cultures in the world.

b)Economic:Any mode of capitalist production have served humanity as it should be. For this reason it is also known that all who live in the land are compulsorily to live in a capitalist society, and in this capitalism is a basic principle and is "the poor are poorer every day in contrast to the rich is more rich every day to. "

c)Political: In politics you have to see that many people, especially the people satin agree with many of these approaches, they may think that the worst of politics is corruption, mismanagement of resources, exploitation of masses and self-interest that handle each respective government cabinet members.

So, for these types of globalization we can find some benefits and risks in it: 

·Potential benefits of globalization: 

-Economy and global market. 
-Universal access to culture and science. 

-Major scientific and technical development.

·Risks of Globalization: 

-Excessive Consumption Growth 
-Possible loss of biological and cultural diversity. 
-Disappearance of the welfare state. 
-More emphasis is placed on financial economics to the real economy. 
-His rejection by extremist groups leads to terrorism. 
-Single thought, which rejects various social and political doctrines of the "globalized". 
-Enhancing economic imbalances and concentration of wealth: the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. 

-Greater labor flexibility, resulting in a worsening of the conditions of workers.

In conclusion: What do you think about this? Is it good or bad for aour planet and society?

Now, you can see this video: 

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