martes, 17 de junio de 2014



 Globalization is an economic, tecnological, social and cultural process that consists in the comunication between all the countries in the world. 

In this type of "bussiness" there is a free market where all the countries in the world can participate. A country from Asia can sell products to one country in Europe without any problems.

The first things about this topic are from the Industrial Revolution ( the first). In that time, United Kingdom was the most powerful country. But also during Spanish´s discovery in America there were some aspects relate to globalization.

Some experts say that each country has to sell the best of this country. For example, if in China they are very good at tecnology, they should sell things relate to it. This is the real formula to make good globalization

Example of tecnology in Asia.

Advantages about globalization
Disadvantages about globalization
-Reduction in costs  

-Better products for the consumers


-It could be bad for local commerces

Some products couldn´t like to the consumers

- Some measures can cause bankrupt to some enterprises

Here a video ( It is in Spanish but it doesn´t matter)


- What is your opinion about this topic? Is it bad for our society? Did you know anything about it?

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