jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. Globalisation has increased the production of goods and services. The biggest companies are no longer national firms but multinational corporations with subsidiaries in many countries.
Globalization has been taking place for hundreds of years, but has speeded up enormously over the last half-century.


  • Resources of different countries are used for producing goods and services they are able to do most efficiently.
  • Consumers to get much wider variety of products to choose from.
  • Consumers get the product they want at more competitive prices.
  • Companies are able to procure input goods and services required at most competitive prices.
  • Companies get get access to much wider markets
  • It promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries.
  • Businesses and investors get much wider opportunities for investment.
  • Adverse impact of fluctuations in agricultural productions in one area can be reduced by pooling of production of different areas.
Disadvantages of Globalization:
  • Developed countries can stifle development of undeveloped and under-developed countries.
  • Economic depression in one country can trigger adverse reaction across the globe.
  • It can increase spread of communicable diseases.
  • Companies face much greater competition. This can put smaller companies, at a disadvantage as they do not have resources to compete at global scale.

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

What is globalization?


What is globalization?
Globalization (or globalisation) is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.

Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.

The term globalization has been increasingly used since the mid-1980s and especially since the mid-1990s. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge


Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of cultureAdvances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.

Advantages and disadvantages of globalisation.

The main advantages are: 

  1. allows the diffusion of technological avences 
  2. It allows the dissemination of knowledge and studies 
  3. Allows you to choose
  4. Makes possible agreements between countries

The main disadvantages of globalization, we have: 

  1. Favors developed countries.
  2. Globalization is totalizing 
  3. Globalization is creative convention 
  4. Globalization can become a dictatorship 
  5. "Foreign investment" of powerful countries on weaker countries

martes, 17 de junio de 2014




-Globalization is a set of visible changes in the world political and economic order since the end of the twentieth century. It is a phenomenon that has created common points in the economic, technological, social, cultural and political, and thus became the world into an interconnected world, in a global village.

There are some types of Globalization:

a)Social:-This implies a loss in the integrity of the cultures of the participating countries. 
The opportunity to diversify and related customs.

·The advantages will be acquired by the most famous and publicized cultures 

·The disadvantages to be brought to (but not least) less influential cultures in the world.

b)Economic:Any mode of capitalist production have served humanity as it should be. For this reason it is also known that all who live in the land are compulsorily to live in a capitalist society, and in this capitalism is a basic principle and is "the poor are poorer every day in contrast to the rich is more rich every day to. "

c)Political: In politics you have to see that many people, especially the people satin agree with many of these approaches, they may think that the worst of politics is corruption, mismanagement of resources, exploitation of masses and self-interest that handle each respective government cabinet members.

So, for these types of globalization we can find some benefits and risks in it: 

·Potential benefits of globalization: 

-Economy and global market. 
-Universal access to culture and science. 

-Major scientific and technical development.

·Risks of Globalization: 

-Excessive Consumption Growth 
-Possible loss of biological and cultural diversity. 
-Disappearance of the welfare state. 
-More emphasis is placed on financial economics to the real economy. 
-His rejection by extremist groups leads to terrorism. 
-Single thought, which rejects various social and political doctrines of the "globalized". 
-Enhancing economic imbalances and concentration of wealth: the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. 

-Greater labor flexibility, resulting in a worsening of the conditions of workers.

In conclusion: What do you think about this? Is it good or bad for aour planet and society?

Now, you can see this video: 


The climate change is the most important problem of the world.
Now, we are detroying the ozone layer with the CFC and the gases of the vehicles.
Ozone layer will gradually refine and much larger hole.

The sun insides in the earth and the heat does not come out.
This effect is known as greenhouse effect.

Now we can see a video:





 Globalization is an economic, tecnological, social and cultural process that consists in the comunication between all the countries in the world. 

In this type of "bussiness" there is a free market where all the countries in the world can participate. A country from Asia can sell products to one country in Europe without any problems.

The first things about this topic are from the Industrial Revolution ( the first). In that time, United Kingdom was the most powerful country. But also during Spanish´s discovery in America there were some aspects relate to globalization.

Some experts say that each country has to sell the best of this country. For example, if in China they are very good at tecnology, they should sell things relate to it. This is the real formula to make good globalization

Example of tecnology in Asia.

Advantages about globalization
Disadvantages about globalization
-Reduction in costs  

-Better products for the consumers


-It could be bad for local commerces

Some products couldn´t like to the consumers

- Some measures can cause bankrupt to some enterprises

Here a video ( It is in Spanish but it doesn´t matter)


- What is your opinion about this topic? Is it bad for our society? Did you know anything about it?

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014



People receive different amount of money according to their job. But sometimes some people recive more money and work less than another. Usually this people are boss and the diferences of between the salary of they and their workers are to big.
Managers receive 80,330 per year, compared to 21,307 euros from and employees!
Do you think this differences are normal?
Do you think you can change this differences? How?

Some people have to work in two or three jobs because they don't receive enough money and they don have free time.

viñetas de jefe, viñeta de jefe, cuadro de jefe, cuadros de jefe, imagen de jefe, imágenes de jefe, ilustración de jefe, ilustraciones de jefe 

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014



As you know there are very much politics that still money from his country especially in Spain allready know who are the politics that still in Spain.
But who know some politic who still in his country and there aren´t Spanish?.

Here there are the list of the most corrupt politics in the world:

1-Mohammed Suharto-Indonesia
2-Carlos Salinas de Gotari-Mexico
3-Hugo Chavez-Venezuela
4-Carlos Romero Deschamps-Mexico
5-Alberto Fujimori-Peru
6-Vicente Fox Quezada-Mexico
7-Elba Esther Gordillo – México
8-Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon-Mexico
9-Fidel Castro Ruz-Cuba
10-George W Bush-E U

martes, 10 de junio de 2014


                               NEWS MANIPULATION

Is a series of related techniques in which partisans create an image or argument that favours their particular interests.Such tactics may include the use of logical fallacies and propaganda techniques, and often involve the suppression of information or points of view by crowding them out, by inducing other people or groups of people to stop listening to certain arguments, or by simply diverting attention elsewhere.

News manipulation also want you to think the same that the brand think and this means that you won´t listen to your philosophy.

Some types of methods are:

- Propaganda


We look at the sun rising every day. It´s bright, it´s big and it´s warms us up. Our sun happens to be the brightest object in our universe and it has captured our curiosity and imaginations throughout history.

Well, I'm not sure if you know about the daily routine of the sun or something like that, but, today, I'm going to tell you that we could be in danger because the emitions that we emitted to the sun. I mean, we could die faster than you think. One example is that the plants won't be able to do the photosynthesis and then we won't be able to breathe. I wanted to ask you why I'm asking you this and if I am crazy or not.  

If you think that I'm a little bit crazy, please, watch the video:


Media manipulation

Media manipulation is a series of related techniques in which partisans create an image or argument that favours their particular interests. Such tactics may include the use of logical fallacies and propaganda techniques, and often involve the suppression of information or points of view by crowding them out, by inducing other people or groups of people to stop listening to certain arguments, or by simply diverting attention elsewhere.

Since the journalism began, also the manipulation of the news existed. Later I am going to put a video that contains several manipulations to happened events.


Ecological Crisis

Factors of Ecological Crisis.

Ecological crisis is when a specie or a population changes in a way that destabilized its continued survival.

Main causes of  Ecological crisis are:

Abiotic factors:

Climate change is starting to have major impacts on ecosystems. With global temperature rising, there is a decrease in snow-fall, and sea levels are rising. Ecosystems will change or evolve to cope with the increase in temperature. Consequently, many species are being driven out of their habitats.

Fresh water and wetland ecosystems are dealing with extreme effects of the increase of temperature. The climate change could be devastating to salmon and trout and to other aquatic life.


Overpopulation of some species can cause the extintion of ohters, for example, in the Argentine Patagonia, for example, European species such as the trout and the deer were introduced into the local streams and forests, respectively, and quickly became a plague, competing with and sometimes driving away the local species of fish and ruminants.


Humans are, in my opinion, the most important factor in the Ecological crisis.

We know about it, we can stop it but the most part of the people don´t do nothing.