miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Working from home

Read these statements and write T (true) or F (false) according with the Speak up's article "Working from home":

1) Marissa Mayer gave her employees the option of working in the office or aking a reduced salary.
2) The writer of the article, Alexandra Schulman, says she was disappointed with Mayer’s decision.
3) Schulman has had many requests from staff who’d like to work from home a few days a week.
4) She doesn’t always allow them to do so.
5) Schulman prefers to have her staff sitting in front of her so that she can see what they’re doing.
6) She thinks chatter in the office is a waste of time.
7) Schulman says there are times when it’s better to work from home.
8) She prefers to work with a team.

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