martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Childhood Obesity


Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or wellbeing.
Recent studies show that obesity in children is becoming one of the main health problems in developed countries. Adults are not the only ones who accumulate fats.

What are the causes of obesity in children?

There is no surprising answer. No problem if it is a child or an adult. If lifestyle is largely inactive and lots of unhealthy food is consumed, there is an increased risk of obesity. 

Unfortunately many children learn unhealthy eating habits from their parents. Instead of taking an active part in a game, it is very common for children to spend many hours at the computer or TV. Worries caused by the child's safety or the long distances that separate school means children wont walk to school, but by bus or car. The typical modern diet does not help.Some children hardly eat fresh fruit or vegetables, but feed almost exclusively on fast foods that are high in fat and sugars.
If a child eats too much is very important to find out if he or she has an emotional problem. Are you paying enough attention at home? Are they worried about family problems, school or friends? Like adults, children turn to food as a form of consolation when you feel unhappy.

When is considered a child obese?

The definition of what is being overweight or obese has always been very unscientific. Until now there has been no standard on the definition of childhood obesity .
Currently, children's reference graphics are interpreted that five percent of children who weigh more are considered overweight. But like the reference graphics have been constantly being updated, could hide the real changes in the number of overweight children.
In order to have an updated picture of the actual weight of children in some countries are examining a random sample of children. Once the study results are published, is planned to repeat every 10 years to go to record the changes.

This study will also provide a set of definitions of what should be considered overweight and obesity in children.

How can I teach a child in how he/she can practise sport?

With how attractive are computer games, Internet and television it can seem like a losing battle to get your child to get up and practise any sport. But the facts are simple: If children consume more calories than they burn, they will eventually accumulate in the body as fat.
Encourage your child to do some exercise doesn't have to involve spending a expensive inscriptions in clubs, equipment and clothing, sometimes the simplest and cheapest options are the best. Simply walking can burn 175 calories an hour, while swimming, football, hockey, squash and sky can burn up to 400 calories an hour.

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