martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Diferences between Men and women

Do you think this photo is true? Do you believe that this is fair?

During some years ago, this situation was too common in the world of work but with the pass of the time, the differences between men and women are more smalls.

Do you agree with this video? Why?

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello!

    Yes, I agree with that video because women have in the laboral work a less salary than men and I don't know why it is of this way because we are all equal, a woman or a man, and we are a developed country. I talk about Spain, although this would have to be equal to all people of the world.

    Good afternoon!

  2. Hi, class!

    According with this that Javi has said, I think the man of the video didn't says that men and women should win the same money, but all the opposite. I think (or I understood, at less), that he was showing us some graphics to make us believe that men must win more money than women because they made works which produce a higher quantity of money. For this reason, I totally disagree with the video, because I think that men and women do the same work, although it is obvious that, if they do different types of jobs, the production will be different, but they should receive the same salary. Relating to that part in which the man of the video says that women would receive a similar salary with the men if their husband took care of a half of the children of the family, I think this is stupid as well as obvious too, because if a family has sons or daughters, they must divide responsabilities over them, and not all of them are for the mother or, in really rare cases, for the father.
    So, in resume, for me, this is not a good video, because the man was a bit chauvinist and uses data to ensure us that is correct for women to receive a smaller quantity of money.


  3. Hello everybody.

    As Inma has said, I think this man is showing us in the video some characteristics whose show us that men must have a bigger salary than women due to the differences between their jobs, skills... I think he is only showing us to make us think and reflect...
    To be honest, I think this is stupid and and a nonsense topic because women and men are all equal and even some women can become better people than some men and vice versa. If you have children, you must take care of them whether you're a woman or a man. There are a lot of women that have a great salary and men that have a smaller salary in this world... Fortunately, the actual situation is better than the ancient one... We must fight for a equal world.


  4. Hi class!

    Well, if the man in the video is right, I should agree. I've always thought that men and women didn't earn the same, but what he's saying is that women earn less because they do less qualified jobs. If that's right, I agree. From my point of view, a builder mustn't earn the same as a doctor, because the work of the last has more responsability and needs more preparation.
    On the other hand, there're work inequalities when women get pregnant and "sex labels" to perform determinate jobs. But that's another topic...
    In conclusion, men and women, doing the SAME type of work HAVE TO earn the same.

    Bye class!

  5. Hello!!

    I like so much the video because it has shown me the big differences between women and men salaries, Women are a little bit discriminated but we create the society where women are less valued than men. If one day we achieve the equality between women and men, job world will be different for women I think. My conclusion is as Rafa has mentioned: if women and men do the same work, why men have to earn more money than women?

  6. Hello!

    I agree this video, I think that watching this kind of videos makes us to realize about how is the world right now.
    We think that this type of inequalities have been solved but it isn't true. Actually, there are a lot of differences but, as we are in a developed country, they don't become important. In my opinion, if we watch this videos in early ages, we'll be knowledgeable in the future, when we'll be working in a job that doesn't offers us the same rights as men.
    Sometimes this kind of videos create arguments between men and women, because normally, men think that women are equally valued as they, but there are some rights that aren't equal for both of them.
    To sum up, I reckon that men and women can do the same work with the same quality, and we have to allow them to demonstrate it.


  7. Hello class!

    Well, I am disagree with the man of the video, like Inma said before, women and men are equal for win the same salary and have a part time, because in developed countries women and men that have children, both have to take them, so both have to have the same part time and the same salary because both work the same time.
    In conclusion, the video show something that is wron.

