martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Spain's Labor Situation

Here in Spain the labor situation is not quite good, do you know some reasons?
There are A LOT of then, but there are many people unemployed and these people usually have a family to maintain. Here I put a video (in Spanish) to see what is happening in our country right now:

In the video you have seen that young Spanish people are emgrating to other countries searching job. This is the testimony of a person who was looking for job:
 <<After spending all my education life and learning new things, the answer given to me is always that they are exposed but who are contracted to another. All we need to tell them to be friends. Did that happen to you too? Is not this less frustrating to simply say "we caught another"?>>.
If you have any doubt you can ask me now (Spanish or English) .

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