lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014


We all heard about unemployment in the news every day but,  do you understand what this means? I will try to explain the actual situation of the labor market in Spain.

Firstly, what causes this unemployment?

Well, the actual unemployment in Spain is mostly caused by the economic crisis. Lots of people lose their jobs be causes their bosses can't afford to pay them a salary. Also, other business require more preparation and pay less for more business hours. This work conditions make some people go to other countries to look for work or make other to stay unemployed.

So, if all the jobs are bad, people will accept bad work conditions, and then the work conditions will continue been bad or even go worse. Also some people that have university studies have to work in part time jobs or in jobs that they haven't studied for. 

Some indirect consequences of this unemployment is the increase in criminality, for example, but the most important is that we lose good workers because they go to other countries and these workers make the work conditions in other countries worse because they accept those bad conditions.

The worst of all is that this will not change until crisis end, when the unemployment will go down and the work conditions will be good again. The only thing that we can do now is still studying to get better job in the future.

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