martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Young and politics. Eduardo Galeano's opinion

Who is Eduardo Galeano?
Find out who is after listening this video.

13 comentarios:

  1. Eduardo Galeano is an uruguayan writer, famous for his books. But also, he is a strong supporter of youth and he trusts in them. He also supports the vindications that young people make against laws that they don't agree with.

    See you on class!

    1. Eduardo Galeano was a writer and also a journalist in his country, Uruguay. He's famous because of his books and is one of the most important figures of his country's literature. In the video I can see how he defends to young people, because they don't have the blame on not voting. Respect young in politics he thinks that adults have to improve the interest of politics in young people because there were many young people that didn't vote.

      See you soon!!

  2. Hi people ! I think Eduardo Galeano wasn´t only a Uruguayan writer or journalist because like can see in the video he supports the young people in one of the most important aspect for the country; the government and the politics. We are the future of Spain and in other nations everything is equal , in some places the young people can´t take part or give their opinions about what they think of the state and his people.Galeano is not only known for his books or the histories he made . He is popular and well seen in people like us because he encourage our rights in politics and apports others opinions different than usually people has.

  3. Eduardo Galeano was a writer and journalist and he won the Stig Dagerman award, which is an important award in literature. In the video, we can see that he supports young people our rights in politics, for example because we have not the right on voting. I think that it's very important because it is a good form to make young people care in politics.

  4. Hello !

    Eduardo Galeano is a famous Uruguayan writer and journalist and in this veideo we can see how Eduardo support the young people because he says that a lot of young people don't vote in elections because they don't belive in their power. These young people listen what the old people say about them, that yhey don't have brain and that the're nothing, but they have to know that the future is in their hands, that they can change the world and if they have a determinate opinion they have to say it and if they want to vote they have to do it, even if the others think that you're nothing and that you can't change anything. Eduardo Galeano supports youn, people and I agree with him because I know a lot of people who say that the young people don't think and it's not true, we have our own decisions and they can be good. So, in conclusion young people have to change the idea that they don't count in politics, because it isn't true, theyare very important and they have to know it.


  5. was a Uruguayan journalist, writer and novelist considered, among other things, "global soccer's pre-eminent man of letters" and "a literary giant of the Latin American left".

    Galeano's best-known works are Las venas abiertas de América Latina (Open Veins of Latin America, 1971) and Memoria del fuego (Memory of Fire Trilogy, 1982–6). "I'm a writer," the author once said of himself, "obsessed with remembering, with remembering the past of America and above all that of Latin America, intimate land condemned to amnesia."

  6. Hello!
    Eduardo Galeano was an uruguayan writer, famous for his books. In the video I can see how he support the young people because he says that a lot of young people don't vote in elections. He won the Stig Dagerman award, which is an important award in literature. I think that he was an admirabvle man


  7. Hello people!
    Eduardo Galeano was a Uruguayan writer and one of the most important figures of the Uruguayan literature. Also he is famous he defends young people like we can see in the video. He promotes politics in the young.

  8. Eduardo Galeano was was an uruguayan journalist, writer and novelist. In the video, we can see that he support the young people related to the politics, the divorce, etc.

  9. Eduardo Galeno was an uruaguayan writer, novelist and journalist. In the video he support the young people in politics

  10. Eduardo Galeno was an uruaguayan writer, novelist and journalist. In the video he support the young people in politics

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Eduardo Galeano was a writer and also a journalist in his country, Uruguay. He's famous because of his books and is one of the most important figures of his country's literature. We can see in the video that he is an advocate of young people.
