lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

Local and national elections

Elections in politics is a process of decision making in which voters choose their vote among a plurality of candidates for political office in a representative democracy. There are general elections (which are held to elect members of parliament or legislature and the head of state or executive) and local elections for municipal or regional level. I supose that you know that in our country, people who have 18 years or more can vote, but it's voluntary, that is to say, it isn't obligatory. 

We all know that in Spain, there are 4 political parties that are more important than the others: PSOE (Pedro Sánchez), PP (Mariano Rajoy), Podemos (Pablo Iglesias) and IU (Cayo Lara)
Now, new political groups are appearing in the electoral national scene, like Ciudadanos, Vox, etc. This new gropus want to end the existing two-party system in Spain, where PSOE and PP have divided the government of the nation during the last years. 

Local elections are the same that in Spain. Now, here in Montoro, there aren't new political parties. Finally, the most important newness is the non-appearance of our former mayor for many years, Antonio Sánchez Villaverde, who currently is not listed as a candidate for mayor of Montoro in the list of the PSOE, since from the current month of April is representing his party in the Andalusian Parliament. 

Do you think that the new political parties get access to power in the future elections?
Do you think that PSOE get access again without Antonio Sánchez Villaverde?

Thanks for your attention.

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