martes, 28 de abril de 2015

What do you think about the following picture?

Choose one the following pictures and do a comment on the blog.
The deadline is May 5th 2015 .

Thank you

26 comentarios:

  1. Hi!

    A) With this photo we can see what we have spoken in class today. We've talked about manipulation, and this is the center of everything. Politicians to stay safe need the support of others, and for that, they try convercer and give illusions about things that are not true. When this support begins to disappear, they need to call back the attention of people to remain in their place (in power).
    But power is not them, it's us.
    Those who chose, the ones who decide whether to disappear or remain in power someone, we are. As the above sentence says, 'we do not know the real power we have', because the manipulation does not reach anywhere.
    In conclusion, be attentive to people trying to convince us about something and have the necessary personality to be against what we don't agree.

    See you on class!

  2. Hello!
    I choose picture B. In this photo we can see a group of teenegers that are protesting or aren't agree with the agree with the government solutions about enviroment. It show how the young people have to protest or take the control or help in goverment like Eduardo Galeano said in the video that we saw in class. The teenegers protest against about foreign language or the renovable energies that take part of the government that carry the enviromental problems in the country.

  3. Hello!
    I choose the image A. As we talked today in class, about how they are the political parties. We see and hear all the good things about the political parties, which party promise (later no one meets). But we never see the bad things about political parties, everything behind them.
    I think we should know all about the parties to realize what they are. And when we go to vote, know who is the best for govern in this country.
    Also, I think that is an important think that the people go to vote because there are many people that don't go to vote.

  4. Hello!
    I have chosen the picture A. I have chosen it because people often don't know how much power they have in our politican system. The picture shows an end of a hill or a mountain. On the end there is a piece of wood on which a politican is doing a speech and some people are on the other side of the piece of wood. If the people would not be there the politican would fall down the hill. This picture wants us to say that if the people don't like any politican he/she has no importance. We chose our politicans.

  5. Hi!
    I chose the second picture to comment. It shows a group of young people on a protest with posters in their hands. I think they are canadian because the posters are written in English and French as Canada is a bilingual country. And on the poster with the inscription ''impress us'' there is a typical Canadian maple leaf.
    They are telling people to protect our planet earth. I absolutely with them. We have to care about the environment and we don't do it enough. We could for instance share car journeys, recycle or save water. I think it is very good that young people (like in the photo) care about it. The kids of today, are the politicians of tomorrow and only they can change the world.

    They are on a good way to improve the society!

  6. Hello everybody!

    I choose the first picture.

    A) It shows that people and in general teenagers, don't know and belive that they have a lot of power in the political system. This is because they think that their vote, is just one and there are a lot of more people who vote but your vote counts, because with the acumulation of other votes , the result will be maybe the person ( the politician ) that you had voted in elections and the one who you had vote. We must belive in ourselwes and in our power and be sure of us and the decissions that we take, because if we don't do that, the politicians and political parties could manipulating us, and this is what is happen nowadays. Some of the political parties promise that they will improve the conditions of a country , only to have the vote of us, but then, the result, is not what they had say , is bad, and sometimes worst.

    We must change our way of thinking and act against the corruption, vote always, because every vote counts and don't let the politicians to manipulate us!

  7. Hello!

    I choose the second picture. In this photo we can see a group of people that they have posters in their hands. They also protest for save the environment, and I agree with them. I think that we must take care the environment, we must save water, recycle, etc. I think that people that appear in this photo are English people or French people because they write their posters in this languages. In my point of view it's very good that young people stay with adults people in protests.

  8. Hello!

    I choose the picture number 1. I think that this photo represented that the political parties no always say the true. For example, in the campaigns for the votes, political parties says many promises that then not do. I think that this picture is very good for thing and reflect. I think that this two picutures are good to talk together in class and share opinions.
    Bye-bye ;-)

  9. Hi!
    I choose picture B.
    As we can see,they are Canadians but this photo happens every day in many places around the world.
    Many people go on strike or claim their rights because they see they're going nowhere or because they haven't got them.
    In the photo the main topic is about the resources,but this photo in Spain,mostly,happens in topics related to education or health service.
    I think that go on strike is an useful help to make see the politicians what we want and what they're doing bad but,in fact,few times they do what we want.
    Always they'll be problems between politicans and citizens,but I think, that speaking one to other,we can do more things that only doing what politicians want.
    See you!

  10. Hi.
    I choose the picture B.
    In the picture you can see young people fight for their rights with a strike
    to do or introduce something new in politic, like a lay, or something relacionated to the school and university, influently in their studies, but some times it can be dangerous if they have problems with the police and they start to break things a make a fight with the police, so it really can be very dangerous, but I think that this images can represent that all people, mens or womens, old or young people, everyone can participated in a strike.
    See you tomorrow, bye.

  11. Hello! I choose the picture B. In this picture we can see a group of young people going in strike. I think because they are asking for take care of the environment, like we can see in the posters, and in my opinion, it is a good idea because the people who govern can see what we need, although they don't give importance to the most of our protests.

  12. Hello
    I choose the second photo you can see a group of teneeger that on a protest with posters. I think that they are canadian because in the posters you can see that it was written in french . they are telling people to protect , they protest about the environment . we could recycle, save water, don't contamination or some like that. I think that is very good that the group of tenneger to portest about this .

  13. hi!
    I think the best photo is the first. Today we are in a system in which politicians do what they want and the worst thing is that we are supporting this. The politic changed along the time but I think it decreased. Today we have a democratic state in which the citizen can chose who,why,what and how the politicians can represent us but it is not true because really, they did not tell us the reasons and the actions that they do and in the different meetings they never tell us the true.
    So I think the government needs a radical change because the politic of today only decrease and damage teenagers and young people like us and we are the future of our country.
    But the second photo is also important. Today millions of people make lots of strikes to change the state but I think although it is important, it is not going to change nothing because we must change the government and start to find different ways to form a better state.

  14. I choose the 1 photo is about the plitician can´t dominated the people becouse all are equal , and we have own righ . We can choose the politician that we wont becaouse we are righ to vote.
    We must belive in ourselwes and in our power and be sure of us and the decissions that we take, because if we don't do that, the politicians and political parties could manipulating us, and this is what is happen nowadays.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. Hello I have chosen the image B, in this you can see a group of young people with banners, camphor against something that does not like them. Surely by the measures taken by the Government of their country.They stand to change environmental laws and new measures to help the planet.
    I think it's good for what we manifest good for tomorrow because if we do not fight nobody will.There are many ways to demonstrate and the best is peaceful as no harm is done to anyone and everyone can get.

    See you!

  17. Hello everybody!
    I have chosen the first photo because it's very interesting. We can see a politician and many people protesting.
    What are they doing if they have chosen him like his representing in the government?
    We have the power and the right to vote for chose our representatives.

  18. Hello everybody!
    I have chosen the first photo because it's very interesting. We can see a politician and many people protesting.
    What are they doing if they have chosen him like his representing in the government?
    We have the power and the right to vote for chose our representatives.

  19. Hi!!
    I choose the first photography because here you can see the real power of people. Actually, people say that politicians are bad or they stole us, and this is almost true but people is who give the power to them through the vote. A person that don't vote in elections can't complain of that because I think that if you don't vote, you are being a coward.
    People have to know that they carry on the country and with all the ideas, we have to create stability. Democracy is for everyone.

  20. Hi!!
    I choose the first photography because here you can see the real power of people. Actually, people say that politicians are bad or they stole us, and this is almost true but people is who give the power to them through the vote. A person that don't vote in elections can't complain of that because I think that if you don't vote, you are being a coward.
    People have to know that they carry on the country and with all the ideas, we have to create stability. Democracy is for everyone.

  21. Hii!
    I had chosen the second photo, although the first one it is also a very clear form to say us that we managed the politician in some way and we choose the person that later we don't like at all, and for that there are also very strikes, so I continue with the second photo, I think this image is very common now, because of all the reforms that they wanted to do that involve teenagers and in my opinion it is a good way to young people to say that we don't want that, because education is very important and the political parties should not change every time that they want because it is only damage for us, the future people of the country.

    See you in class.

  22. Hello!

    I chose the first photo.
    I think the picture completely tells the truth, because nobody really knows what is the power of the people who govern the country.
    In my opinion, politicians tell us things we want to hear, but they never do what they promise us.
    So, that picture is absolutely right and I think we should know the reality in the country and not false lies.


  23. Hello!
    I choose photo B because I think it represents very good Spain know. This teenagers are protesting because they don´t like the way of govern of their president and this is just what is happen here. There are a lot of strikes.

  24. I have chosen the first photo because it's very interesting. We can see a politician and many people protesting. The picture reflect that have the power and the right to vote for chose our representatives but I think that we don't use our power as well because always we choose the bad parties.

  25. hi!
    I choose the first photo because I think that it's an interesting photo, I can see that a lot of people are protesting in front of a politician. Here in Spain we protest for our duties. We vote the political party that we want but the politicians promise things that they don't fulfil.

  26. hi!
    I choose the first photo because I think that it's an interesting photo, I can see that a lot of people are protesting in front of a politician. Here in Spain we protest for our duties. We vote the political party that we want but the politicians promise things that they don't fulfil.
