jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Politics thank to Internet

Internet has become one of the most used tools in the world. Useful for all, singers upload videos to youtube and get popularity, for example, Pablo Alboran. But most showy of all, there are political parties that have come to the place where they are thanks to the internet, for example, Oboma (USA President) or here in Spain, for example a political party called PODEMOS.

Obama (President of EEUU)   Pablo Iglesias (Podemos,Spain)

Obama despite having 45 years using social media knows very well. Obama also called President 2.0 will use social media to achieve its objective, to be US president. Pablo Iglesias is currently the leader of CAN. Thanks to twitter and other social networks these people and many have gotten more fans to support them and got their objective.
Twitter is one of the means most used by these people. Thanks to this network can see what people think and communicate with his followers.
With the hashtag everyone can comment on a particular theme.

  1. Do you think this is a good method
  2. Do you know more people who use social networks to be famous?


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