jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Gender Violence: Definitions and kinds

8 comentarios:

  1. I think this prezi is very completed and it makes you think about what kinds or violence are comitted in life.

  2. I like this type of exercise, to classify that type is violence in every situation, that in total there are five. , I think you have to end the violence, because more and more deaths. Violence is more common in women, but there are also a lot of men abused by their wives.

  3. as we see in this prezi, there are many forms of gender violence, in addition to physics, which is the most common, it is another very important psychological, affecting mental health, such violence can lead to suicide own victim. In my opinion this is the most important because it is usually the first type of violence rather than physical violence.
    76% of young people aged between 15 and 24 years and in relationships, have suffered psychological aggression

  4. As we can read in the presentation there are different types of violence against women. I believe that the psicological type is the more common between teenagers. Some girls are very controlled by their boyfriends and they can't go out alone or the boyfriend is always controlling her mobile phone, etc.

  5. As we can see in this useful prezi, there are five kinds of gender violence. In my opinion, I think that most of the people often think that violence is only agressions but it is not the reality. There are more types of violence like the psychological or social violence that can damaged also the health of the battered women. I believe that this types of violence are the most difficult to detect and for this reason, their consequences are the most dangerous. From my point of view, I strongly believe that we should help these women that suffered any type of abuse.

  6. As we can see in this useful prezi, there are five kinds of gender violence. In my opinion, I think that most of the people often think that violence is only agressions but it is not the reality. There are more types of violence like the psychological or social violence that can damaged also the health of the battered women. I believe that this types of violence are the most difficult to detect and for this reason, their consequences are the most dangerous. From my point of view, I strongly believe that we should help these women that suffered any type of abuse.

  7. I think this prezi is very useful and a very visual way to teach to the teenagers the various types of gender violence that there are, because I think that we, or at least I, tend to associate violence only with physical abuse. I didn't know that there are five types of gender violence, I only knew the physical and psychological and after seeing this presentation and learn about the others, I believe that the abuses that can more affect a person to the point of wanting to kill themselves are the psychological and social abuse, because both play with the mind of the person and separated them from the people who can help them. Although, as I have said, I think this prezi is very useful, in my opinion, it is wrong that this only talk about the violence from the man against the woman, although this is the more common. It is like if we say that only men can be builders or that only women can be tailors because this is the more common thing. In the end, they are all battered people and men deserve the same help than women.

  8. This video makes you think about this huge problem, that is the gender violence, in which many women and men suffer every day. I think that the more common gender violence is the physical violence, in which the person who doesn't break the relationship queckly, usually ends in a horrible way, and sometimes even with the death. The social violence is related with the psychological one, because the abuser solate the victim and the loniless can affect on the personality of the victim. In the case of the people that suffer sexual violence, they can even die and the person who survive and break the relationship will be insequre in his or her next relationships. The economic violence is also a very important one, the most common causes in this kind of violence are related in jewellery products in women and in alcohol in men. There are many gender violence in the present, and this is horrible because we are people with a very open mind and we have to stop this problem.
