jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

One woman is victim of abuse when...

In pairs:

Classify these behaviours in one of the five kinds of abuse we have commented.
  1. She is insulted and put down alone or in front of her children or family.
  2. She is denied access to money or is only given money for her household expenses
  3. She is prevented from working or studying.
  4. She’s not allowed to go out if she doesn’t say where she’s going
  5. She is kept away from her family and friends
  6. She is pushed, injured, punched, burned,…
  7. She must act in the way that he wants forgetting her own feelings
  8. Nobody listens to her or takes her opinion into account
  9. She is forced to have sex against her will
  10. She is blamed for everything that happens
  11. She is treated like a little girl or disabled person
  12. She must guess everything he thinks, wants or needs

2 comentarios:

  1. I like this type of exercise, because you learn to distinguish, which is violence in every kind of situation

  2. I think that this activity help us to understand better the definition of the five types of gender violence, but its horrible that we only consider that the violence is only a case that the women suffer. There are a lot of men that suffer it. When we think about people that read, statistics says that there are more women that read than men, however, when we talk about that, we don't says that men don't read, we include in people that read women and men. Its the same in this case.
