jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

GAY MARRIAGE by Laura Marín Marín

4 comentarios:

  1. In my opinion, my partner has done a great job. We are all free to choose the right person to share our life. No matter the sex, race, but it does matter that makes us feel happy.
    This paper discusses gay marriage and although it is sometimes difficult to understand, we must respect.
    The love between two people is really beautiful and we all have the right to fall in love with someone we know and it is special for us.

  2. It's very interesting thisexposition because there are some people who still do not accept, gay marriage, and each right esque so enamored of a person of the opposite sex and same-sex person. Must be respected as they are. We are all equal.

  3. Mi opinión es que me ha gustado bastante ya que he entendido bien el inglés .MUY BIEN!!!!

  4. From my point of view, this prezi is really useful, I think that the majority of the time we judge other people only because the are different, we try to wean them but I have a doubt: why? why do we try to wean them? Sincerely, I strongly believe that they are people like us, we all have different likes different jobs and different ways of life, although where is the problem? We must respect all people because maybe in the future we might have any family member or friend who is gay.
