martes, 20 de enero de 2015


The stereotypes are when people talk about another without knowing. Talk about his personality, his way of dressing, his musical tastes or something.
Also we judge people by their nationalities and religions.
In my opinion, if you don't know a person you can't talk about he because you can wrong. For example; if you talk about me, I feel bad, sad or embarrassed even I can be angry because it's false.
There are many types is stereotypes such as:
Woman: housewife, mother, always beautiful, patient, sensitive, dependent, sensitive, sexual object, frivolous, tender, submissive.
Man: worker, intelligent, strong, do not cry, brave, head of household, supplier, likes risks, aggressive.
Ederly: they are categorized as useless, sick, dependent, and unproductive.
Racial: based on ethnic and cultural differences inferior to people of different color, national origin  culture, cataloging such as terrorists, criminals, or silly considering.
Social classes: the poor generalized ignorance and crime, rich with pride and arrogance, single mothers with a slight conduct.
Gothic, hippy people...all people have an equivocated idea about them, we judge people without know them. In addiction, each persone is a wold, we have to know them before talk or judge them !
Other possible example of stereotypes is when I arrived to this school, nobody knew me and my first appareance is equivocated...with my dreadlocks or my form of speak !! 

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