viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

Para Reflexionar... "¿La Mujer Más Fea del Mundo?"

26 comentarios:

  1. Hi everyone!

    First, when I saw the video the first time I was surprised by how original was the girl. Then, when she started talking I noticed that behind that small, thin girl, there was a large history. She has overcome many difficulties that we don't give importance and we don't value. Also, she used all the criticisms to improve as a person and we must lo learn to do this, have this negative ideas and turn them over to serve us improve. And finally, ask ourselves what defines us and which is why we each have special makes us different.

    This video is incredible, it serve a lot to think and reflect.

    I see you on monday!

  2. Hi everybody
    I think that's really sad that she is so thin. But sure, it is for a reason. She has not chosen to be like that and there is a large story behind.
    I think she is right saying that you should be who and how you want to be. Although you may be different to the rest, there will always be someone who like you, cause you are amazing just the way you are.

    Bye, see you

  3. hi everybody!
    First, when I saw the video I think that this girl isn't "La Mujer Más Fea Del Mundo". This girl has got a disease and she didn't want to have this disease but she is very happy like she is. I think that you have to be like you're, without anyone tell you have to be.

    bye, see you.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Hi everybody!

    First I want to say that when I saw this woman, I thought that she was an anorexic and I felt sorry for she and when she started talking about her life I realized the many difficulties that she has passed, and nonetheless she continued fighting and she never allowed that her appearance and look to define her, what she did was left her goals, successes and achievements to define her.For me this woman is a great example and I respect her very much.I think everything she says is true we have to use the negativity in our lives to be better and to obtain our dreams and goals that is how we will win.We must never be influenced about what people say about us, we have to be as we are and not allowed other people change us. We have to show that we are better and never give up.

    Bye! See you in class on Monday!

  6. Hi !

    When I saw the video, I thought that this woman is anorexic but when she started to tell us about her life I understood that she had have many problems, her story is very emotive for me because her life is very difficult.

    Bye, see you!

  7. Hi everybody!
    When I saw the video I was shocked and emotional at the same time. I think this woman is amazing, I think it's great how she performs in front of people and that she has so much confidence in herself although she has this terrible illness. I think that she is an idol for everybody.
    See you!

  8. HI!

    when i say the video , I think "she is a very thin girl" is very horrible but she has got a problem. she faces the problem normally and many people think it's horrible but not speak to her or know how it is, do not know if it's a good person or sympathetic even fun. a respect for people who have a problem like this and not insult or tell anything

    see you

  9. hello!
    It is so difficult comment about a person which have an incredible history and about this video and the words she said. When I wached it firstly I think we are lucky because we were born without any difficulty and later I was really sorprise because the woman said the hard reality about her problem. In this society is difficult be like her because lot of people try to be cruel.
    The world needs peson like her. People that have problems but they continued living like a normal person. The difficulties are only in our minds because everybody are equal although the appearances are different. I love her and the personality she has .
    See you soon!

  10. Hi!
    When I saw the woman at the first time,I couldn't believe it,how can a woman be as thin as her?
    Many times,I thought that many girls in the world are thinner than me,that I have to do something to change but when I saw this video,I understood that try to be so thin can carry you serious problems.
    This girl's story is incredible. How much she has worked to go on,without losing her smile,loving herself...
    Many times we put in websites sentences that the life is so hard,why have we got so many problems and we forget about REAL HARD problems like this girl.
    In my opinion if I was her,I won't go out of my house,I'll always crying...
    She's so strong and I loved the video because she teaches us to love ourselves and that we never have to give up,we must continue loving ourselves,fighting for our dreams...

  11. Hello!
    First when I saw the woman I thought that she was very ugly but when I heard her story about her life I interested in her. For me is an example to many people in the world that have this type of problems that you have difficulties to relationed with other people. She didn't scared, she was brave.
    Also the illness that she have is that she can be the thinnes woman in the world. Women usually want to be thinner but doesn't important. The important thing is that you must love yourself and don't mine other people that say bad things about your physical appareance. If you want to do something, only do it, you can.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Hello!
    The first time I saw it I thought it was a monster but throughout its history has excited me a lot because apart from being the ugliest woman in the world, is the strongest and happiest woman.
    It is a very serious disease because as much as eat no fat. This very thin and has a pretty bad physical, but in their minds she is very happy and happy as this is not how the world looks.

  14. Hi!
    I have not seen this before and I'm really excited, and I know that this woman is an heroin for me because firstly, she has known how to react against the abuses and the bad things that people told her and secondly, because I think we all have the same problems and we don't do nothing, we just run away and try to forget the things that people tell us, because being yourself when you have a bad aparience means that everybody is going to reject you, but this woman teach us that we have to find what we are, what define us and then, deal to the situation and fight against the others to get what you want.
    I have said it before but, I really think that we all have to think like her, she's an example of people that have been stereotyped and have gone on.
    Finally, I want to say that if people didn't pin up in the appearance of a person, society would be better.


  15. Hello, I want to see that when the video started, I think that is really that is very ugly, like a monter or like a animals. Is small but she has a very big heat. The history is really for cry but I don't like cry. When I went to my house the first that I do, is show the video to my family because is very very interesting.

  16. Hello!

    I think like her, she has reason, it doesn't matter if you are ugly or pretty, it matter what you do and always, you must to do what you want to do.
    It doesn't matter what the people say, if you feel good with you, and you are happy with yourself, you will always be good because you will do what you want, anywhere and whenever you want.

  17. Hi!
    The first time that I saw the video I felt bad because her story is sad but I think that she is a strong girl , I cry when I was watching the video in class, I think that when you have a disease you need help of your family and your friends.
    She is a nice girl and she worked hard to be respected. She is my heroine!!

  18. I think the same that her.
    For me a phisical is insignificant becaouse the personality es better.
    Doesn't matter that a person is ugly for intance beaouse this person can more happy than you.
    I´m my opinion all the people are equal

  19. Hello!
    I admire her because as much evil that you have done it goes on trying to help others. hermosi¡ura think not in the physical of the porsona and admire what each is his personality and do for others by the behavior and respect towards other people have it to you pretty or ugly , tall or short, fat or thin .. have the courage after all she has gone from speaking in front of so many people explaining its panoramic position and psychologically harassed remembering when to say he killed himself ... I think worth anoint strong person and she got to love herself by what is truly and not because others think she is.


  20. Hi!
    This video is very shocking, I couldn't believe it at first, but well, I really admire her, because when you have a serious problem like her, you have two options, accept it and deal with it and smiling to the problem but being realistic, and the other is being sad and thinking about the problem all the time and without accept that the problem is there and you can't do nothing to change it. And the way that she live with it is amazing, it has to be hardly and how people are going to think, in my opinion, people must being conscious that this or another problem could happen to them and they have to respect and be more kind with them.
    In conclusion, for me, this girl or another one, that are so strong and have the power to carry a problem and define who really is without hide from the society is incredible and an example for all, and for all the people that don't have this power, we just have to try and help them because they really need it.

    See you in class.

  21. This is a very interesting video because this woman isn´t the perfect one related with her physic but... Who is perfect? I admired her because I think because of her words that she is a very hard person so it is the best thing in a person for my opinion

  22. Hello! In my opinion this video show from the explanation of the women, that the physical appearance it isn´t important bus all the person have an opinion when we saw a person , and I am not a person that think that. The video of "la mujer mas fea del mundo " for me is very shocking.

  23. I think that with this video you see that the really beauty it's inside not ouside. I see how she speak about her problem like a normal thing and this other point of view that reflect that this person is very hard. Finally I have to say that she has done in myself a bit more good person.

  24. Hello! This video is really shocking. It's true that we judge people by their appearance, but this girl really teaches us that a person's appearance does not matter so much, real beauty is on the inside of a person. In my opinion, this girl is perfect.

  25. Hello, I think that this video is one of the most shocking videos I have seen in my life because all that the girl has suffered is really hard because if I have this problem I know that I wouldn't assimilate it in this way, and she doesn't see it like a problem. The hardest part of the video is when she is reading the comments she has got in the video that other classmates upload. I don't think that a person must be trated in this form because she has an illness and she is a really good person. We must see how the person is, not her or his appearance. I admire her

  26. Hello, I think that the video about "La mujer mas fea del mundo" is very strong, because this girl is so slim!! And the worst of that is that she is slim because she is sick. I think that she is very strong because life with this disesse is very difficult, not for only be slim and ugly, difficult because the people talk things that are so bad about the person like ugly, monster, and this things and this is false. For other hand, the girl is very funny and she is proud about the things that she do and the doctors say that she doesn´t do them. I love this girl, she is very strong!!!
