sábado, 10 de enero de 2015



A stereotype is a thought that someone has about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.

You see a little fat boy and you think that he is ugly. [ You don't know that he had a bad illness since he was born. ]

You see a junkie in the street and you think that he must be silly. [ You don't know that he was bulled in school because of his good marks. ]

You see a 17-year old mother and you think that she is a slut. [ You don't know that she was assaulted when she was 16 .]

You see a man kissing another man and you think that he is gay. [ You don't know that it was his brother and that he has not seen him for 3 years because of a war.]

There are stereotypes about men and women, about different countries and about specific groups of people.

Gender stereotypes:

Gender stereotypes begin when a baby's gender is found out.

We think that all men love cars. Men don't do housework and they don't know taking care of children. Men play video games and sports and enjoy outdoor activities.

We think women are not strong and they make less money than men. Women don't play sports.
Women have to stay at home do housework. Women love to sing and dance.

Stereotypes of countries

The same man shows nine different pictures that most people have of each country:



Stereotypes because of appearance

I think it's just not fair to have these stereotypes of a person, because each person is an individual and it is perfectly normal, the way he/she is.

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