martes, 27 de enero de 2015

martes, 20 de enero de 2015


The stereotypes are when people talk about another without knowing. Talk about his personality, his way of dressing, his musical tastes or something.
Also we judge people by their nationalities and religions.
In my opinion, if you don't know a person you can't talk about he because you can wrong. For example; if you talk about me, I feel bad, sad or embarrassed even I can be angry because it's false.
There are many types is stereotypes such as:
Woman: housewife, mother, always beautiful, patient, sensitive, dependent, sensitive, sexual object, frivolous, tender, submissive.
Man: worker, intelligent, strong, do not cry, brave, head of household, supplier, likes risks, aggressive.
Ederly: they are categorized as useless, sick, dependent, and unproductive.
Racial: based on ethnic and cultural differences inferior to people of different color, national origin  culture, cataloging such as terrorists, criminals, or silly considering.
Social classes: the poor generalized ignorance and crime, rich with pride and arrogance, single mothers with a slight conduct.
Gothic, hippy people...all people have an equivocated idea about them, we judge people without know them. In addiction, each persone is a wold, we have to know them before talk or judge them !
Other possible example of stereotypes is when I arrived to this school, nobody knew me and my first appareance is equivocated...with my dreadlocks or my form of speak !! 

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015


Well,today,I'm going to talk about a topic that it's too near us.

In the movie 'Billy Elliot',we saw a typical stereotype:if a boy dances ballet,is gay and that's not the way. A boy can dance ballet better than a girl,each one is good in what they likes.
Also,Luis Pedro said us last Friday,the voley,at the beginning was too racist,until some years,the voley was considered a sport for men.


The main example we know is:the pink is for girls and blue for boys, girls' toys are dolls,buggies,plastic kitchen... and boys' toys are   playmobil,balls,videogames...


But when I chose this topic,I wanted it to talk about two words that have the same relation:fashion and society.


Nowdays,when we think about fashion,we think about: skinny jeans,miniskirts,
short dresses,very high heels,heavy makeup,t-shirts that are more tops than t-shirts,bikinis that cover the minimum...
But this has not always been the usual fashion. 

These are the clothes that the 60's women wore.Today,we can say that the clothes are horrible but it was like our actual skinny jeans or like our Pull and Bear's hoodies.

As you can see,fashion is something daily in our lives and it change every time.
We can see that in the 70's,the trendiest was tight t-shirts and bell's trousers and the boys use very colourful clothes. In the 80 and 90's,girls started to use shorts and short dresses but they were too extravagant,they used too much colours and their hairstyle were strange.
And nowdays,the fashion is the opposite of this decades: tight trousers,t-shirts,dresses,skirts,very high heels...
Now,we see photos of years that we hadn't lived in and we thought that are horrible,that the most beautiful clothes are the actual but those people were like us,they were followers of the fashion,they followed the style of the time like us. 

Also,I'm going to talk a bit about the society's opinion. The nowdays people's thought is that you must have a good physic,without a good physic you aren't nothing. This is a symbol of this society.

How many girls didn't cry in their bedrooms in the entire world because they don't follow the society's image,because some boys in their country said them ''ugly'',''fat'',''unusable'',''alone'',''rare'' and many adjectives more that can be like a sword in their interior and which change them forever.
Some girls change because of these opinions and change to better,others continue doing the usual because they like what they do and others change to worse and that's a shame.

If we compare the 90's models and the actuals models,there's a big change.
The actuals models are beautiful but are so thin,I think that have a good body is good,but the word thin had been carried to extremes.
It's normal that someone gets sad because is not as thin as them because it's impossible.

                                 Candice Huffine revoluciona el mundo de la moda 

Some days ago,this model revolutizioned the world.
When the people waited for an international model to see the new clothes of the brand,she appeared and everybody were confused because they had the normal stereotype of a thin model,small clothes...
I'm happy to see that these girls also can promote clothes,important announcements... not only the thin girls because everybody can do the same things,because not only for have some more kilos,you're underestimated.

In conclusion,it doesn't matter what size you use or what type of clothes you want to prefer wear,the important is that you've got your own personality and the fashion can come or can go,can change or can be follow,but the only who continue here,is you .

1.- Can you tell me one example of a very known stereotype?
2.-Do you think that been so thin is beauty? Do you want to be as thin as this girls?

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015


Million of women in the world have suffered domestic violence from their husbands or couples and probably will exist women that live in the silence and they don't say nothing about it because of the fear. 

In our country, is often seen in the news, in tv and the newspapers, a lot of women die
all years and people don't do nothing, they only continue shuted about it if they see something.
Apart from the troubles for the woman, children suffer them too.

Gender violence is a consequence of inequalities between men and women and there are five types
of domestic or gender violence, it can be:

In our country last year only 3 of 51 women had alerted of violence before their die, this is an
horrible act and we don't have to go away to watch it. Spain is a developed country in which
society isn't concious about this problem and women who are suffering violence don't awake about
that because, the violence isn't only physical. Psychological is the most common although we don't
realize, usually the man says the woman that she has the blame and she is a bad person, he controls
her until she is sunken and then come the other types of violence, social, economic and sexual and
the last, PHYSICAL, we think that violence is only physical and it isn't so. Physical is the end,
when she is unable to say something.

We must stop and finish with this violence, the role of the woman in our society isn't take care of
children and do the houseworks, women are equals than men and they have the same rights than

Which type of violence do you think that affect more to the woman?
In your opinion, what could we do to stop gender violence?

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015



A stereotype is a thought that someone has about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.

You see a little fat boy and you think that he is ugly. [ You don't know that he had a bad illness since he was born. ]

You see a junkie in the street and you think that he must be silly. [ You don't know that he was bulled in school because of his good marks. ]

You see a 17-year old mother and you think that she is a slut. [ You don't know that she was assaulted when she was 16 .]

You see a man kissing another man and you think that he is gay. [ You don't know that it was his brother and that he has not seen him for 3 years because of a war.]

There are stereotypes about men and women, about different countries and about specific groups of people.

Gender stereotypes:

Gender stereotypes begin when a baby's gender is found out.

We think that all men love cars. Men don't do housework and they don't know taking care of children. Men play video games and sports and enjoy outdoor activities.

We think women are not strong and they make less money than men. Women don't play sports.
Women have to stay at home do housework. Women love to sing and dance.

Stereotypes of countries

The same man shows nine different pictures that most people have of each country:



Stereotypes because of appearance

I think it's just not fair to have these stereotypes of a person, because each person is an individual and it is perfectly normal, the way he/she is.