martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Natural sex and differences

  With a partner, determine if the statements are true or false in the list.
  1. Women have on average 70% more fat than men, 40% less muscle tissue, and are 12.5cm shorter.
  2. Men begin puberty approximately 2 years before women.
  3. In most countries, men have a lower life expectancy than women, which may be 10 years younger.
  4. 50% of men begin to go bald at 50 years of age, as opposed to women.
  5. The anatomical differences between men and women develop from the eighth week of gestation, it is impossible to distinguish any difference before.
  6. Women have a small percentage of male hormones, and men have a small percentage of female hormones.

There are natural differences between the sexes based on biological and anatomic factors, most notably differing reproductive roles. 

In your notebook write some of them.

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