domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014



Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment of perceptions of people based on their gender.
It appears from differences in socially gender roles as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences.

Like you could see in the other class with Mari Carmen,men and women are really different but I think only at the appearance.

Gender inequality comes from many years ago when the women were under the power of the men. At  the beginning of the time , the men were the only people who could work or make important things like taking part in the politic, government or do hard work .


In many countries the changes are not developed because the women are under the men. They can´t study or work but in Spain, today everybody is equal. 
A woman can work like a judge, doctor, builder and in other side a man can take care of the children,they can work like a cleaner,etc.


After that, we can think that the difference or uniqualities are only in our mind. We must work hard to get the equality for everbody because anybody  is different because born girl or  boy. 

And now, we are going to play a game to analyze how men see a woman and how women see a man.

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