domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Being polite


At work we often have to ask people to do things for us. We may need their help urgently or it may be a minor matter. The language we use to make such requests will be different, depending on the importance of the thing requested. We are more formal and less definite if we are asking another person to make big efforts for us.

Our language also, of course, reflects the relationship we have with another person. If we are asking a stranger or our boss to do something for us, we choose language which is much more formal and less definite (weaker) than when speaking to a colleague in our office or a friend.


miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

ANSWER of exercise about disorganized sentences

1.      I am aggressive when I hit someone.

2.      He is dependable because he comes on time every day.

3.      He is so immature and never acts like an adult.

4.      Those students are happy and enthusiastic to study hard all day.

5.      Don’t be so assertive. I hate aggressive behavior.

6.      He is so laid back and never studies. But he always gets A’s.

7.      Don’t be defensive. I'm not criticizing you.

8.      The teacher always complains when I'm late.

9.      If you are organized your life will be smooth.

10.   I think Keisha is weird.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014



Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment of perceptions of people based on their gender.
It appears from differences in socially gender roles as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences.

Like you could see in the other class with Mari Carmen,men and women are really different but I think only at the appearance.

Gender inequality comes from many years ago when the women were under the power of the men. At  the beginning of the time , the men were the only people who could work or make important things like taking part in the politic, government or do hard work .


In many countries the changes are not developed because the women are under the men. They can´t study or work but in Spain, today everybody is equal. 
A woman can work like a judge, doctor, builder and in other side a man can take care of the children,they can work like a cleaner,etc.


After that, we can think that the difference or uniqualities are only in our mind. We must work hard to get the equality for everbody because anybody  is different because born girl or  boy. 

And now, we are going to play a game to analyze how men see a woman and how women see a man.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014



Freedom is the ability of conscience to think and acts how we want. It's  is a right that everybody has, everybody is FREE. 

 There are many types of freedom:

  1) Physical freedom, everyone has to have it ; an example would be the feeling that a prisioner has when he left the prision.

2)Spiritual and mental freedom (psychic) .Freedom of thought, to have our own ideas and express them, but without falling into anarchy.

We are free only in the positive sense, only when we are conscious, when we realize our actions and can be responsible.We don't choose freely when we get carried away by fear, fashion, habits or caprices, in this situation we don't think before we act and this could be an irresponsible act.

With freedom comes responsibility.


Responsability means doing my best to take care about things around me that need to be done. Is a value that is in the conscience of the people, which allows them to think and value the consequences of their actions, always in the plane of morality.

Freedom with responsibility is when your freedom respects the other's  freedoms. It ended when the freedom of others begin.

For example you are free to drive your car freely around the city but you don't have the freedom to go at high speed and run over everyone and you have the freedom to express your opinions but you don't have freedom to insult the others.

Our freedoms must be responsible, if you don't act with responsability your freedom become IGNORANCE.

People who are irresponsible for their actions don't think before they do or make something.

Responsible Do’s 
  • Think before you act.
  • Think before you talk.
  • Do only good things.
  •  Think about what will happen if you say or do
  • what you want to say or do.
  •  Fix your mistakes. Clean up your own messes.
  •  Be a good example.
  •  Think of ways to help others.
  •  Do your best.
  •  Keep trying.
  •  Finish your work before you play.

Irresponsible Don’ts

  • Don’t do anything before you think.
  • Don’t say anything before you think.
  • Don’t do anything that’s bad or wrong.
  • Don’t blame others for your mistakes.
  • Don’t leave mistakes or messes for someone
  • else to fix.
  • Don’t wait for someone to tell you to do good
  • things.
  • Don’t do anything that you won’t be proud of.
  • Don’t play until you finish your work.
  • Don’t pretend to have done jobs you really haven’t done.

In conclusion freedom, can't be separated from responsability they are complementary.


  • Say if the following freedoms are responsible:

a) Take the purse of a woman who has fallen and keep it.
b)You study for an exam voluntarily.

  • Say if you are free on this situations:

a)You parents tell you to do your homework but you don't want to do it.
b)Your teacher say to you to do an obligatory project.

  • How would you demonstrate responsibility if… 
a)Your mom is not feeling well and could really use some extra help around the house? 
b)You're playing a really fun game at your friend's house and it's time to go home? 
c)You agreed to take care of your neighbor's dog while she is away, but now a friend has invited you to play football?
  • Are these persons free?
a)A drug addict.
b)A soldier who follow orders.



The purpose of this entry is to address the issue of racism as it appears in our society today, keeping in mind the modern scope of our world and the difference between today’s racism and the racism of the past.  My hope is to open my reader’s eyes to things they perhaps haven’t considered before, to encourage them to be aware and watch for the ways they encounter racism in their own lives, and inspire them to act on the issue rather than tolerate it.  Racism is something that affects everybody, and it is something that has almost become an engrained part of our culture as a whole.  I also hope to encourage my classroom to talk about this issue with friends, family members, and the people in their lives, to share their thoughts and ideas about it and hold open discussions.

I became interested in this topic when I started to notice racism in a lot of things.  I would read a newspaper article, see something on TV, listen to a conversation or look at some advertisements, and the more I looked around, the more I thought about it.  I also began talking about racism with some of my classmates at school, and we each shared stories about many different things.  We talked about things we saw on the internet or heard on the news, things we had heard other people say, ways that we noticed other people reacting to us because of our race, and even ways that a person’s race affects the way we react towards them.  I felt as though my eyes were opened to a very big problem that I myself had not even really considered before.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Male and Female

Form mixed pairs

a. The girl in the pair will choose 3 professions from the list of professions for men below.

b. The guy in each pair will choose 3 professions from the list of jobs for women below.

c. Once chosen, each member of the pair argues against the professions chosen by their 
partner, by trying to justify that the professions are not appropriate for him/her. 

List of Professions for Women
List of Professions for Men
-        Housewife
-        mechanic
-        Office secretary
-        janitor
-        nursery teacher
-        accountant
-        house/office cleaner
-        bank manager
-        department store cashier
-        airplane pilot
-        babysitter
-        bus driver
-        elderly lady company
-        carpenter
-        nurse
-        taxi driver
-        dressmaker
-        farmer
-        hostess
-        professional football player
-        ballerina
-        engineer
-        beautician
-        mason

Natural sex and differences

  With a partner, determine if the statements are true or false in the list.
  1. Women have on average 70% more fat than men, 40% less muscle tissue, and are 12.5cm shorter.
  2. Men begin puberty approximately 2 years before women.
  3. In most countries, men have a lower life expectancy than women, which may be 10 years younger.
  4. 50% of men begin to go bald at 50 years of age, as opposed to women.
  5. The anatomical differences between men and women develop from the eighth week of gestation, it is impossible to distinguish any difference before.
  6. Women have a small percentage of male hormones, and men have a small percentage of female hormones.

There are natural differences between the sexes based on biological and anatomic factors, most notably differing reproductive roles. 

In your notebook write some of them.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Human being

Our life's project. How to have a good life.

The life how a personal project to build throughout the years

1º Choose the best qualities for this trip
  •  To be honest- the more honest you are, the more trustworthy you become. 
  • Have integrity- the better of a person you are, the better an image you present.
  • Be responsible- you must be responsible in life so that others can rely on you.
  • Tell the truth- the value of truth is immeasurable, because without it, the world would just be filled with lies.
  • Give credit where credit is due- without crediting people for their ideas/works, it is considered stealing and we are cheating them of their hard work.
  • Be courteous- every act of kindness makes a difference in the life of someone.
  • Have respect- one of the most important things is to treat other as you wish to be treated.
  • Trust- trust is the building block of relationships we create in our lives.
  • Be harmonious- to live together and get along with everyone is a “delicacy” that we all long for.
  • Don’t change who you are to please others- it’s not worth becoming a completely different person simply to make other people happy because by doing so, you may be making yourself unhappy
  • Maybe others.

2º Choose a model of reference, a special person to guide around this adventure. Explain who and why doing a poster of A3 size as maximum