lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


Welcome to Spain, the worst European country in educationational questions!

Sadly, yes. We live in a country whose level in education is as low that, if you look for, you will find hundred of thousand of pages talking about that. Did you know that Finland is the first country in that list in which Spain is the last?
  • And if we know the keys to transform our system, why don't we use them?
I can answer to my own question, and I think you too. We are known ase the lost generation but, are we guilty? No, we aren't. In Finland, children start school at the age of 6. But we start it when we are 3. When you are so small and an unknown person take you far from your mum, you cry. So you hate school. When you are seven and you are trying to learn English, you have to understand the meaning of words on their own, not just long and complicated sentences, because when these sentences are in a different way, you aren't able to translate them.
  • It is very easy to send books and books of homework but, is this really necessary?
Taking again Finland's example, they think lots of homework are not necessary, as well as those exams in which you have to know all contents of the book. They are sure that reasoning is more important tan memorizing and they agree in which punishment are not necessary: children have to learn to decide what's goo and what's bad.
It is proved that playing, talking and reading is much more effective in little children than those long sheets.
  • What happens to teengaers? Are we stupid? Are we a strange kind of human being which only knows how to destroy? Do we have to be locked in classroms (like cages) because we can attack people?
Sorry, we aren't. We have to wake up at half past seven in the morning and we are in school six hours and a half around 200 days a year (with no counting weekends), so it is normal if we are tired every day. Homework and exams doesn't help us. Personally, I don't understand people who think that teenagers are dangerous, r those who believe our brain is not able to think like the one of an adult and we just think in sex, drugs and alcohol. Sorry again, but it is not correct. We have eyes and ears, so we see and listen all the problema of the country. We understand the problems that, in a few years, we are going to suffer. We know what an economic crisis is and we know that the Spanish educational system is not helping to us from going out from the crisis. So, instead of worring about what new punishment could be invented, or how to name courses to make us think that they are working, politicians could start to see and listen to, because they have solutions in front of them. I think it is not so complicated, teenagers are not the only ones who know how to copy other people's ideas.
  • Right or left? Does our country need people with a powerful critical sense or disciplined workers? Do we want students with high general culture or specialists who are well prepared to incorporate into the demands of the workplace?
It doesn't mind. We are in a free country and we must have our own ideas, ideologies, religions, ... The only necessary thing is habing really clear what do we want. And, sadly, in Spain, we don't know what to do, what to say, what to think, etc., because those people who should know it, are blind and just know how to criticize.

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