martes, 13 de mayo de 2014


Answer this test in your notebook, giving reasons for each question

1. If a bully wants your money, you would:
a) fight (quarrel) with him/her.
b) scream and try to run away.
c) give all your money to him/her.

2. If someone bumps into you by accident, you would:
a) hit him/her.
b) give him/her a chance to apologize.
c) sit and cry.

3. If an older person pushes you around when you’re in the bathroom, and threatens you not to tell anybody, and tells you that something bad will happen to you in the contrary case, you would:
a) wait until he goes away, and tell this to a teacher.
b) fight with him.
c) accept this and not tell anyone.

4. If someone comes and shouts at you by using negative and rude words while you are in the dining hall, you would:
a) ignore him/her.
b) shout at him/her, too.
c) tell him/her to calm down.
d) ask an adult for help.

5. If a group of bullies call you bad names or disturb and harass you with swearwords, you would:
a) tell them to go away.
b) respond by using the same kind of words.
c) find an opportunity to  inform an adult about the situation by determining witnesses.
d) ignore.

6. If a friend is being assaulted by bullies, you would;
a) thank God that you’re not in his/her shoes.
b) immediately go to the victim and attack the bully and push him/her.
c) call other children for help.
d) inform an authority or an adult and ask for help.

7. If a person from school comes to you while you are walking in the park on the
weekend and he pushes you around, corners you, he takes your money by
force and runs away, you would:
a) tell the situation to your parents.
b) tell it to your teacher what happened.
c) notify the police/security.
d) follow him/her

8. If your sister or brother always treats you in a tyrannous manner, you would:
a) punch him/her.
b) pour a pailful of water over him/her.
c) make this a current issue when all the family members are together, and open it
 up for discussion to put an end to this bullying.

9. If your teacher treats you badly all the time, you would:
a)  inform your family about the situation.
b)  talk to your teacher or your psychological counsellor about the situation.
c)  inform the school manager about this.
d)  ignore this. 

10. If your parents treat you tyrannously, you would:
a)  talk to your teacher or your psychological counsellor about the situation.
b)  tell it to one of your close relatives (aunt, uncle etc).
c)  not tell it to anyone.

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