miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Peace over racism

We have studied what racism is and different types of racism, so, now, i'm going to talk about different people that have fought against racism, looking for a peaceful world.
But not all of them have made the same things, each one fought in his way and with their personal possibilities.
Rosa parks was a woman that became famous in 1955, when she didn't allow a white person to occupe the bus site where she was sitting. Because of that, the bus driver called the police and they arrested her, obligating her to pay 14 dollars as a fine. After that, the Montgomery Improvement Association was created to fight against the laws of                                                                      the trasporting system.

He was a man that made a lot of speeches talking about racism and how to eliminate it.
He defended the rights of the black people  because they weren't considered equal to the white ones. Some white people also join this group of protesters because they were tired of the big amount of inequalities, and they all fought by not using violence.

There are more and more, such as Mandela, Ghandi, Oskar Schindler, Rigoberta Menchú, etc., but I've chosen Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks because they represent the most important fight against racism in USA, and there is where is celebrated the Black Month to conmemorate the fight made to get the same rights for both, white and black people, in USA.

I want to end my post with a sentence that is really beautiful, and a short video from the portuguese government:
"I hope people finally realize that there is only one race - the human race and we are all members of it"

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