lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


Before starting my entry, I'm going to say you it's very important to me that you read it, because I think you'll know new things about how racism have existed from years.

First of all, do you really know what racism is? Racism is not only killing black people, or forbid them doing some things, etc. Racism is anything you do, say or think which include discriminating someone for his or her race, it means, the colour, the ethnic group, …

Have you ever discriminated someone? It is really common to look a toy and see it says: made in China, or to go to a Chinese supermarket because it is cheaper, or to buy the scarves that black people are always selling in the beach, or simply to tell a joke about black or Asian people, and those things are from our daily life and we don’t realize. 

But racism is not something modern. It had existed for years and years. Ancient Egyptians had slaves, and, talking about slaves, do you remember the American War of Independence? It started in 1775 and a very important part of the American soldiers were black slaves who fought trying to obtain the freedom. They were voluntaries to participate in the militias, but, as they were refused, they started to fight in their account.

More recently, the Apartheid from Sudafrica, which consisted in separate black people from white ones. But when I say separate, I refer to, literally, separate things. For example, there were parks, benches, shops, districts, etc, only for white people. And the same for the others. Their objective was to conservate the authority of the white minority over the black majority.

Actually, we are also racists. When most of us think in a black person, we always imagine them very dirty, trying to reach Europe in a dinghy, begging on the street, or stealing shops. But we don’t think in people like Louis Amstrong, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Sidney Poitier, Spike Lee, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and, of course, Michael Jackson. They were black people, and they became famous because their work.

From my point of view, one of the most famous black people in the world is Nelson Mandela. He died with 95 years, and he is an example of fight for the black rights. He spent 27 years in prison only for try to obtain rights to his country and, even there, he was discriminated for been black. When he went out, he continued this work. He became president of Sudafrica, and he obtained a Nobel Peace Prize.

Original video from the song "we are the world"

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